[or-roots] Death Cert postings

Wordsmith wordsmith at grrtech.com
Wed Apr 23 22:32:51 PDT 2003

Go Barbara! There are now three more bits of information available. Keep it
up! They look really good.


I have just started posting extractions from Oregon Death Certificates.  It
is a small start, but it is a start.  More will be done as I find the time.
Barbara Herring
> http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/or/lane/vitals/petec.txt
> http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/or/lane/vitals/petecg.txt
> http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/or/lane/vitals/petegf.txt

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