[or-roots] Why is it???

HARMON Andi * IRMD GGDC Andi.Harmon at state.or.us
Wed Feb 19 16:42:51 PST 2003

Hmmm ... I haven't really paid a lot of attention to some of the ranting and
raving going on lately, but having a genealogy list of my own on Rootsweb
(for the Cox surname) I can say that it seems when the lists get very
active, fights start.  I wonder why that is?
I love reading Cecil's post and not just because he's a distant cousin of
mine -- it's entertaining!  I get the list in digest form and if there is
something in *any* post that is not relevant to me or not interesting to
read, I delete it!  I was also happy to see Aunt Charlotte's book come back
(thanks Walt!) -- I have the book on a disk that I got from Walt quite a few
years ago but it's still great reading and I'm glad new people to the list
will get the pleasure of reading it as well!
I rarely post on this list, but I enjoy reading the obit reports from the
Guard, since that is where I grew up and often see people I know that have
passed away that I might not otherwise hear about.  I enjoy that part too --
and often times, that is the ONLY thing in the digest.
Just making some observations here and wondering why life has to be so
danged serious all the time and we all have to be so thin skinned at times
to take these things so personal?  
Ok ... and since this is a genealogy list, I think I'll post my Oregon
cousins that I am always on the look-out for:
Kimsey -- came over on the Simpson wagon train in 1846 (right Cecil?  don't
have my stuff in front of me)
Jones -- same wagon train
Cox -- married a Jones, from the Jones/Kimsey relationship
Finley -- Other side of the tree, from the central and southern Oregon area.
No idea when they got here.
Haskins -- Married into my Finley family
Then there are the more recent (early-mid 1900's) mysteries:  McCuen &
Mothersbaugh.  I know a little about the McCuen but not a heck of a lot
about the Mothersbaugh other than my grandma married him in Bend in 1920.
OK ... that's it for now!
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