[or-roots] photo's WA Vol Oregon 1st Cavalry

LAPowell at aol.com LAPowell at aol.com
Fri Sep 19 17:22:11 PDT 2003

I anyone is interested I have copies of a photo that says "Co. G - 1st Wash 
Vol".   Signature is B F Rahmeyer.     We know this is Civil War, Oregon 1st 
Cavalry s my great grandfather is in the picture and we know from muster rolls 
that he was in Co. G Oregon's 1st Cavalry during the Civil War,.   And I also 
have  copies of his enlistment and discharge.  Don't know names of any others 
in the photo.  But if you have an ancestor who was in Wash Territory during 
that time and enlisted in the 1st Cavalry he might be in this. 
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