[or-roots] Pioneer families

Beth Perry Johnston bpjohnston at charter.net
Thu Feb 26 22:33:16 PST 2004

At 09:39 PM 2/26/2004, you wrote:
>I tried to track these ladies down in the 1900 census on the theory that one
>of them might have children spread over the before Oregon to in Oregon
>period. Unfortunately the only likely candidate on the whole list was a Mary
>Showalter who turned out to be living alone in Portland in 1900 with no
>mention of children, but she was the only Sholwalter in the whole state. I
>did find a Josephine Bauman, but she was 19. There are a lot of Taylors in
>Oregon, but no Saylors in 1900. Unfortunately unless someone runs across a
>diary of a trip that mentions some of these folks or a train roster
>somewhere it might be hard to figure.

There were indeed Saylors in Oregon in 1900. Joseph B. Saylor arrived in 
Umatilla county in the summer of 1888 and Married Minnie Laura Gerking at 
Athena, Umatilla Co., OR. They established their home northeast of what is 
now Milton-Freewater and had ranch property on Butter Creek. They had three 
children: Ralph Gerking Saylor born  3 Dec 1895 in Athena, Umatilla Co., 
OR; Joseph Edgar Saylor, b. 28 September 1898, also in Athena; and Nelma 
Laura Saylor, b. 4 May 1908 in what is now Milton-Freewater, Umatilla Co., OR.

Of course, there were also Taylors . . . .


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