[or-roots] Williams

karfranw at juno.com karfranw at juno.com
Fri Jul 30 23:25:43 PDT 2004

Dear Leslie,

As much as I love my 20 year old son, and as much as I try to ignore him,
he definitely won't
"go" away.  He is still living at home, working hard at a part time job,
and is going to community
college.  So, I really can't complain too much.  With the exception the
kid has a mouth like a stevedore.
or a Logger, or what have you.
I married a Williams, and even though my husband was born in California,
raised in Montana and Arizona, 
his father's family is from Maryland.  So, my guess is I am not related
even through marriage to any of those
wonderful individuals you were talking about.

thank you so much,

Karla Williams

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