[or-roots] Motel 6. NOT!

Cecil Houk cchouk at cox.net
Sun May 16 21:22:39 PDT 2004

By Florense Courtney Melton
     We spent the 4th of July in Wyoming.  The sagebrush was in great big clumps twelve or fifteen feet high.  They laid by till afternoon.  The teams needed a rest.  There was more or less cooking done.  My own folks tried their skill at a cake.  Mother used the last of the eggs which were packed in salt when she started from home.  The cake wasn't a howling success, but the horses got the salt, which made their flour more palatable.  Grain was too bulky to haul so far.  So the teams were fed one feed a day of flour.  They did very well.  Almost at all times the grass was good.  All through Nebraska we had lots of rain.  Every real warm day was followed by a shower of rain.  A small cloud about the size of a man's hat in the southeast; everyone would rush around to get things put away before the rain, but usually failed.  I remember one night we were about ready to go to bed, when the storm struck with a terrible wind.  Our wagon was right for the storm to come in the front.  Baxter and Ahira had all they could do to keep Mother's wagon from blowing over.  The tent blew down and our bed was drenched.  You could have wrung water out of everything.  There was nothing to do but lie down.  The next morning our bed was steaming like one of Aunt Comfort's packs.  Everyone else had fared the same, but no one was made sick or had a cold that I can remember. 


Cecil Houk, ET1 USN Ret.
PO Box 530833
San Diego CA 92153
FAX 619-428-6434
mailto:cchouk at cox.net
Searchable GEDCOM: http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/~cchouk
My web page MENU: http://members.cox.net/~cchouk/
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