[or-roots] Are we working yet ? AOL

Robert Gust rgust at netins.net
Wed Jan 25 19:19:52 PST 2006

It was not spam. The message said the mail was delayed. Perhaps  too much mail as the message was delivered shortly after I posted this.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: CKlooster at aol.com 
  To: or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [or-roots] Are we working yet ? AOL

  I'm on AOL and I haven't had any problem, so I'm not sure what that posting was about.  AOL kicks some e-mails to the spam folder if it appears to come from a mass mailing site.  So some news group mailings can end up there.  All you have to do is open the spam folder and click on the e-mail and the "This is not Spam" button.  It then allows e-mails from that address from that point forward.  Maybe this is what the issue is.  But as I said, I've been receiving e-mails from several different lists all week.

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