[or-roots] World Wide web

glenkc7mbm at comcast.net glenkc7mbm at comcast.net
Tue Jan 31 08:02:50 PST 2006

Just seen your message to Cole and Sherry
Anyone can see Rootsweb messages, no matter where they live.
If you are refering to the Cape here in Oregon it is Cape Mears.
Glen Portland

Glen A. Jones

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Beth Perry Johnston <bpjohnston at charter.net> 

> Cole, Sherry wrote: 
> > Last Night I was on the internet and I happened to notice that when I 
> > put in Cape Meiers into google, it brought up my own message that I 
> > sent out when I was in this group "roots" last November. Did you all 
> > know this could happen? I was shocked that anyone on the outside 
> > could read our messages! 
> [snip] 
> I can't replicate that. In fact, Google says there are no matching 
> documents for Cape Meiers. Is that the correct spelling? 
> Beth 
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