[or-roots] RE: or-roots digest, Vol 1 #2175 - 4 msgs

HARMON Andi * DAS IRMD GGDC Andi.Harmon at state.or.us
Tue Mar 7 17:05:01 PST 2006

I can relate to the Rural Routes around Veneta.  I grew up in Noti and
went to grade school there.  While in high school, we lived on Knight
Road just east of Noti.  I always said that I lived at Noti, went to
high school at Elmira and our address was a Rt. 1, Box 449, Veneta.  No
wonder it is hard to pin down locations for people.

True!  Like you, we didn't live "in town" (for what it was worth then!)
since we lived out on Ellmaker Rd.  We were out of the Veneta city
limits by a long ways.  I went to grade school at Central and jr. high
at Fern Ridge and high school at Elmira -- I guess it could be
confusing!  Especially when they split our street and some kids on Vista
had to go to Veneta and others stayed at Central.  

As far at the phone, since I am a little older than you, I can remember
when the phone numer was strictly four digits (2595 for us). It was
later that we got the Webster 5 - WE5 prefix.

I'm surprised I remember the WE5 prefix actually -- I must have been
pre-school when it changed but then, I was using the phone at 3-4 years
old to call my grandma all the time anyway!  <grin>  

Burns, Oregon
Last Chance Ranch

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