[or-roots] A Giant Thank You everybody

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Thu Mar 30 19:27:07 PST 2006

When this list gangs up on a problem things happen!

No wonder I was having a hard time finding Lester in Eastern Oregon in 1920,
but why the heck couldn't I turn them up in 1910, I would swear I read every
Wade entry from Hood river to Idaho looking for them.

Thank you all again this is great, and it looks like my Wade cousins are
majorly Norwegian, and wonder if they know it??

As to Eugene's comments about troubles with census, don't i know it, I have
one line where several people either only age 3 or 4 years between censuses
or get a lot older than ten more years between two, and have a couple of
folks who have a different name every ten years, nicknames are a BIG help if
you don't know them. And trying to figure out relationships in the pre 1880
censuses, yikes. I had one of my families all plotted out, trying to figure
out what the maiden name of the wife might have been etc, and down the line
discovered I had tried to make a family out of four siblings!

Sure would have had a hard time finding that marriage license.

Thank you all again, now all I have to do is put it all together!


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