[or-roots] Your favorite websites....

Robyn Greenlund rgreenlund61 at yahoo.com
Tue May 2 06:52:50 PDT 2006

I'm presently creating "pathfinders" for my Coquille Valley (Coos County) webpages and am realizing I don't have many online books or websites for people emigrating to Oregon from 1875 - 1925. I thought it would be interesting to see what this group has for the 'non-standard' places to look. By non-standard, I mean not Ancestry.com, Oregon vital statistics, Rootsweb, SSDI, Family search - that kind of thing. And not the printed biography books - I think I know all of those and where they are indexed online.
  You can see what I'm up to at http://coquillevalley.org/CoquilleValleyPioneers.doc. Won't say I've finished this first one, but I'm already using it in my own research. This group seems to have a wonderful collection of resources that aren't the normal ones (Les's Township and Range intro and then the UofO Digital Map collection are examples of the wonderful sites I've seen so far on this list). So since the list is a little slow at the moment, I thought I'd ask for sites. 
  One area I know I'm missing is finding information on the Swed's, Finn's and Norwegians. We had a large group of them in Coos County and the valley, but I have only found a listing from 1968 online. Most of the families moved to Oregon after settling in other places in the east and midwest. I don't think I even have the Ellis Island website - anyone got it handy?
  Thanks all - the website is coming together, slowly!

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