[or-roots] John Gilkey and Mary Bilyeu

maryeatwell at charter.net maryeatwell at charter.net
Sat May 13 16:25:09 PDT 2006

I am researching the above named couple...John Gilkey b 1850's Maine, MaryBilyeub 1875 Oregon. As I am a Bilyeu decendent, I have a fair idea of how many were in Oregon in the late 1800's and that is why I need help with asking....which Bilyeu family did Mary Bilyeu come from? John Gilkey's family came to Washington in the 1870's settling in the King Co area. I started this search after buying a 1866 English grammar school book owned by Lenora Gilkey b1871 Maine who married Dexter Newton. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated, as I have already done the census research for all the Gilkey family. Mary Eatwell The Dalles Oregon

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