[or-roots] I need the help of all of you

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Mon Apr 6 21:57:17 PDT 2009

I fired off a note also, I had two addys bounce, the katrina bounced even
when I changed it to findagrave and info bounced too;

I am a volunteer for my area on findagrave, but most of the requests that
come in seem to be for one cemetery and last time I asked the manager for
numbers for the requested items he asked for some time to consider it as he
had a problem with Finda grave making money off of what was in the final
analysis his information and I told him I would have to respect that. I
guess if he decides to no longer help me I have a choice of dropping out of
finda grave, or photographing the entire cemetery and alphabatizing my
images so I can find folks.

at the rate I am getting the Reedsport one done, I can imagine how long that
will take me.

Gee maybe I will have to consider my family file "good enough" for a while?

I can't see that happening. Too bad I have to sleep four or five hours every

Les Chapman

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