[or-roots] Sam King Matney aka Tuledad

Dan M mygen2 at d-matney.com
Wed May 14 09:34:45 PDT 2014

Some one ask me if I could prove my Matney's were messing with the Modocs.
Answer - Yes.
  When Capt Canby was in battle, my Matney was there too as well as the Modoc Shirrif Joe Marks.
When they had 13 shots into Smoke Creek Sam - he was still urging on the battle. Canby was shot, Sam was talking to Marks about the fatal 14th shot. Sam took Smokes scalp, after a few years sold it.
They found a couple papooses on boards and leaned them in the shade letting them live, Sams comment is on record.

Now all this was just about the very same time Walter J Matney got the divorce and dissapeared, never to be found - the probate is all thats left - I figure Walter was in either that battle or went out on a booze frenzy and got him self dropped in a ravine or something. 

All that I am seeking is wrapped around these times, the Matney's also had a personal grudge because the indian agent gave their ranch to the modocs, before that, the Modocs stole the horses Walter was plowing a field with, I guess he was lucky they let him live that time.

SO, its my Hardy boy mystery novel, What happened to Walter and Julia later.
We know where Tuledad is.
Dan M
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