[or-roots] 2022 Still here

DeniseSproed at onlinenw.com DeniseSproed at onlinenw.com
Sat Feb 12 09:22:21 PST 2022

Hello to my ‘Oregon’ researching friends,

   I am also still here, on the list, after many long years of researching.  I continue to research my Early Oregon Pioneers and their many descendants.  I primarily utilize DNA these days to look for cousin connections.

Happy to find others to share with.  My website has a DNA Helps page for anyone to find. https://dna-discoveries.com/ui04.htm  is a ‘charts’ page and towards the bottom is a link to the pedigree for each of my grandparents, in case anyone wants to check if we are related.  I also have my direct line tree on WikiTree (which has DNA tools) and FamilySearch.

Denise Sproed of Oregon 

 <https://www.facebook.com/denisesproed?fref=ts> Facebook and  <https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Sproed-1/5> Wikitree and  <https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/160001831/family/pedigree> Ancestry and my web presence  <http://www.dna-discoveries.com/> dna-discoveries.com 

Denise (Gedmatch ID T674236), Daughter of R Sproed (Gedmatch ID T468293) and S Sproed (Gedmatch ID T271542)

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