[Or-srp] FW: Adult Summer Reading Programs Webinar-Thursday 10 AM CST

Arlene Weible arlene.weible at state.or.us
Tue Jan 16 08:13:05 PST 2018

From: Statereps [mailto:statereps-bounces at cslpreads.org] On Behalf Of Wilson, Becky
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 8:09 AM
To: statereps at cslpreads.org
Subject: [Statereps] Adult Summer Reading Programs Webinar-Thursday 10 AM CST

Hello CSLP,

We have 170 slots left for our Adult Summer Reading Programs webinar on Thursday, at 10 AM CST.  We would be happy to have library staff from other states join us for this training. Please feel free to spread the word.  Registration links are listed below.

Those who cannot attend the live session can catch the webinar in our archives at the link below.

Please direct any questions about these webinars to Lisa Stock at lisa.stock at sos.mo.gov<mailto:lisa.stock at sos.mo.gov>.


Becky Wilson
Public Library Services Consultant
Missouri State Library
becky.wilson at sos.mo.gov<mailto:becky.wilson at sos.mo.gov>
Fax: 573-751-3612

From: MOACE [mailto:moace-bounces at lists.more.net] On Behalf Of Stock, Lisa
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:39 AM
To: moace at lists.more.net<mailto:moace at lists.more.net>
Subject: [MOACE] Upcoming Webinars

Good morning, MOACE!

This Thursday, Jan 18th, please join us for the Adult Summer Reading Programs webinar from 10-11 AM CST. This webinar will provide staff in public libraries of all types, sizes and budgets with a variety of ideas and tips for creating, planning, and implementing a successful adult summer reading program for summer of 2018. The program will include tips for successful outreach and marketing strategies in correlation to the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) 2018 theme of music, with a slogan of "Libraries Rock!".  Registration is online at Adult Summer Reading Programs<https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/8035187382214155266>.

You may also be interested in the upcoming Homeless Patrons & the Public Library webinar on Thursday, February 22, from 10-11 AM CST.  Does your public library struggle with patrons who are homeless, addicted and/or mentally ill? This super practical webinar will teach you how to engage problematic homeless patrons with confidence and compassion. The presenter, Ryan Dowd, has spent his career running a large homeless shelter outside of Chicago and is the author of the ALA book, "The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness". Registration is online at Homeless Patrons & the Public Library<https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/4305676926434919170>.

Those unable to attend the live sessions can catch the recordings in our archives within 36 hours of the event:

Our full catalog of upcoming online training sessions is available at:

Have a great day!

Lisa Stock
Adult Services Consultant
Missouri State Library
P.O. Box 387
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Phone: 573.526.1087 | 800.325.0131
Fax: 573.751.3612
Website: www.sos.mo.gov/library/development<http://www.sos.mo.gov/library/development>
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