[OR_Archaeology] Columbia River Center announces Fellowship; Deadline May 30

Susan White susan.white at state.or.us
Fri Apr 10 16:00:23 PDT 2009


The Center for Columbia River History announces the James B. Castles Fellowship to support original scholarly research that contributes to public understanding of the history of the Columbia River Basin. The $3,000 Fellowship is open to graduate students, professional historians and independent scholars. CCRH encourages proposals from diverse historical perspectives, including social, ethnic, political, cultural and environmental studies. 

Fellows will conduct focused research projects in a Columbia Basin related archive appropriate to the topic. The research should be completed during the granting year (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010). The fellow will deliver a public presentation on the research topic or
create an illustrated essay for publication on the CCRH website. The fellow will also submit an article for possible publication in a regional journal such as Columbia Magazine, the Oregon Historical Quarterly, Pacific Historical Review, or Pacific Northwest Quarterly,
and will submit a written report to CCRH about the research. 

The deadline for submitting materials is May 30.  

The Castles Fellowship is made possible by an endowment provided by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust to CCRH in honor of James B. Castles, a founding trustee who promoted the heritage of the Columbia River throughout his life. 

For more information: visit www.ccrh.org, email info at ccrh.org, or call 360-258-3289 

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