[OR_Archaeology] ODOT hosts NPI Seminar for Conflict Resol. & Negotiation Tools for CR and NR Projects

Susan White susan.white at state.or.us
Mon Jun 15 15:26:06 PDT 2009

ODOT is hosting the National Preservation Institute (NPI) course on Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Training for Cultural and Natural Resources in Portland on February 24, 25, & 26, 2010.

Below is a brief outline of the course.

National Preservation Institute Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Tools for Cultural and Natural Resource Projects

Seminar Overview
Laws and regulations related to cultural and natural resources often require participatory processes that can be mired in conflict and misunderstanding. Projects frequently can be more effectively navigated when stakeholders use collaborative processes to identify and resolve problems during consultation. Learn how to design and manage a collaborative process and how to use a range of tools associated with negotiation and consensus building through participatory role-plays, interactive exercises, and case studies.


*Regulatory Logjams and Opportunities
*Overview of Section 106 and NEPA requirements
*Typical logjams
*Opportunities for collaborative problem-solving and dispute resolution processes
*The Range of Dispute Resolution Processes
*Overview of dispute resolution and collaborative processes and tools
*Assessment: Picking the right type of process for your project, considering the timing, project needs, players, legal requirements, cultural considerations, and natural resource issues
*Convening: Designing this process to meet specific needs of your project
*Case study exercise in assessment and convening
*Tools From Interest-Based Negotiation
*Keys to interest-based negotiation for mutual gains
*Key communication skills
*Negotiation exercises in cultural/natural resource projects
* Tools From Consensus Building
*Defining consensus
*Tools for building consensus
*Consensus-building exercise
* Building Awareness of Conflict
* Management Styles
*Learning your own conflict management style
*Identifying methods for working with other conflict management styles
* Applications Clinic
*Participants identify and work on specific real-life projects and problems

For more information and agendas on this and other seminars, go to www.npi.org 

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