[OR_Archaeology] Fwd: Textbooks to teach introductory archaeology?

Susan White susan.white at state.or.us
Tue Mar 30 16:35:13 PDT 2010


Susan Lynn White, RPA
Asst. State Archaeologist
Oregon SHPO
725 Summer St NE, Suite C 
Salem, Oregon 97301
503-986-0675 office
503-986-0793 fax
Susan.White at state.or.us
Visit our web page at

>>> "Caryn M. Berg" <bergcm at Q.COM> 3/29/2010 9:36 PM >>>
Are you tired of the same old textbooks to teach introductory archaeology?


We have four short, inexpensive, well-written and interesting books to
engage your students.


Box Office Archaeology: Refining Hollywood's Portrayal of the Past

Julie M. Schablitsky (editor)

Your students were raised on The Mummy, Pirates of the Caribbean, and
Pocahontas. Here are the archaeological counter-stories to deprogram them.
They'll discover that archaeologists really know things about the past.


2007, 256 pages

Paperback: 978-1-59874-056-1, $24.95



Doing Archaeology: A Cultural Resource Management Perspective

Thomas F. King

Notice that your students are getting jobs in CRM and your textbooks add it
as an afterthought? Here's the only available textbook that approaches
archaeology from a CRM perspective. Written in Tom King's distinctive style
and wit.


2005, 160 pages

Paperback: 978-1-59874-003-5, $24.95



Controversies in Archaeology

Alice Beck Kehoe

"Mysteries" of the past, conflicts over who owns heritage, the first
Americans, looting, and many other key controversial topics that
archaeologists deal with are included in this brief tour of contemporary
issues. And who better to talk about controversy than Alice Kehoe?


2008, 240 pages

Paperback: 978-1-59874-062-2, $29.95



Archaeology Matters: Action Archaeology in the Modern World

Jeremy A. Sabloff

How can archaeology be meaningful to the life of a 19-year old college
student in Iowa or New Jersey? Jerry Sabloff provides a passionate plea for
action archaeology, using the past to help inform and solve contemporary
problems like waste management, warfare, and global warming. Show the
students the relevance of what they're studying.


2008, 152 pages

Paperback: 978-1-59874-089-9, $22.95




Please call or send an email, fax, or letter or call us requesting a 90 day
examination copy to our contact info. Please include your name, address, and
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taught, and decision date. We will email you a link to download the eBook
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eBook is for your personal use only and is protected against copying,
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decide to adopt the book for your course, let us know, and we'll send you a
free desk copy of the real thing. 


Left Coast Press, Inc.
1630 North Main Street #400
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: (925) 935-3380
FAX: (925) 935-2916

archaeology at lcoastpress.com 


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If you have any questions, please contact Caryn Berg at
archaeology at LCoastPress.com 



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