[OR_Archaeology] Fwd: From the MUA - A Road Trip to the 18th Century

Susan White susan.white at state.or.us
Tue Aug 17 09:41:48 PDT 2010

A topic I thought many would enjoy to explore...

>>> Kurt Knoerl <new at THEMUA.ORG> 8/17/2010 6:54 AM >>>

Though the majority of posts sent to the MUA focus on archaeological
topics, we recognize that the study of maritime matters is not limited to
the archaeological record. Oftentimes archaeological investigation in
conjunction with historical research provides a more multifaceted picture
of the topic at hand. In our latest post, T. Kurt Knoerl, director of the
MUA, describes the process of his own recent research on the British
maritime cultural landscape of the western Great Lakes, highlighting this
combination of historical research, use of the archaeological record, and
examination of the landscape itself. You can view the post by clicking on
the link on the MUA home page here:


We hope to encourage more maritime historians to both consider the
archaeological record in their research as well as utilize the resources
available on the MUA. We welcome additional contributions focusing on
maritime history as well as archaeology.

Best regards,

Michelle Damian
Exhibits Editor
The Museum of Underwater Archaeology

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