[OR_Archaeology] Help SHPO redo its website

POULEY John * OPRD John.Pouley at oregon.gov
Thu May 30 15:43:30 PDT 2019

Have opinions about our website? Help us redo it!

Oregon Heritage, which also includes the State Historic Preservation Office, is in the process of redoing the website<https://www.oregon.gov/OPRD/hcd/pages/index.aspx>. Our new website will be task-oriented and visitor-centric. It will also become mobile friendly (YAY!). But before that happens, we need your help!

In order to be task-oriented, we need to know how your brain works. By participating in this exercise, you will help us figure out how you make sense of all the programs and services we offer. We will use the results to help us organize the new website, so your opinion matters! We serve a multitude of different audiences and we would really like all of those voices to be heard when we begin to make changes to the website.

Please participate in the task sorting activity before June 14 by visiting https://4dg6qp7g.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/x50yut7w.

Katie Henry
Heritage Outreach Specialist
Oregon Heritage
Oregon Main Street
Oregon State Historic Preservation Office
(503) 986-0671
725 Summer St NE, Ste C - Salem, OR 97301
Oregon Heritage Exchange Blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>
weekly Heritage News Listserv<http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/Heritage>

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