Some of you have called asking if the PICS immediate update is down because ORBITS does not appear to be updating right away.  The PICS immediate update is working, but experiencing some significant delays when updating ORBITS.  The PICS transactions update the PICS database immediately and the data in PICS appears to be fine.  However, the ORBITS side of the transactions is in a data queue waiting to update the ORBITS database.  In many cases, it takes more than an hour to update ORBITS.  There is no need to send transactions through a second time as this will only contribute to the backlog of transactions.  We will reload any necessary data into ORBITS once the problem has been resolved if it appears that PICS and ORBITS are out of balance.


Denver is working with the State Data Center to resolve the delay.  We will send an update message when we hear anything new.   


Brian E. DeForest, Manager

Budget & Management Division, DAS

Statewide Audit Budget and Reporting Section (SABRS)

Desk Phone: (503) 378-5442