[OSMB-News] News Release -Retired Marine Board Director Paul Donheffner Recognized for Accomplishments
Ashley Massey
ashley.massey at state.or.us
Thu Jan 28 08:36:22 PST 2010
For Immediate Release Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010
Retired Marine Board Director Paul Donheffner Recognized for Accomplishments
Congratulations are in order for newly-retired Marine Board Director, Paul Donheffner. Donheffner’s leaves the agency after a 32-year, award-filled career that began with is hiring as the Marine Board’s Boating Facilities Manager in 1977. He was appointed State Marine Director in 1984, becoming one of the youngest directors in Oregon State Government. During Donheffner’s leadership, the Marine Board has become one of, if not the finest, recreational boating agencies in the country. The Marine Board just celebrated its 50th anniversary, and Donheffner was the Director for more than half of the agency’s history.
Donheffner was recently awarded one of the Coast Guard’s highest civilian honors, the United States Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service Award, for his outstanding initiative and dedication to public service while serving as the State Marine Director. As written in his official award letter from the Admiral of the U.S. Coast Guard District 13, “Donheffner worked diligently toward enhancing safety and services to the boaters of Oregon…and due to his efforts Director Donheffner is responsible for reducing the states recreational boating fatality rate from 31 in 1984 to 14 in 2009 while the number of registered boats in Oregon doubled. As a leader and visionary, Director Donheffner played a key role in setting the direction of boating safety on a National level by serving as a member of the Coast Guard’s National Boating Safety Advisory Council, President of the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), member of the Underwriters Laboratories Marine Council, and Chairman of NASBLA committees for Law Enforcement, Numbering and Titling, and Boats and Associated Equipment. For his distinguished service to Recreational Boating Safety, Director Donheffner has been recognized as Boating Law Administrator of the year by the National Marine Manufacturers Association, received the Bonner Award from the National Association of Boating Law Administrators, and the Hollister Award from the Western States Boating Administrators Association.”
In addition to the above accomplishments during his tenure, Donheffner was also instrumental in writing precedent-setting law and administrative rules including boating under the influence of intoxicants (BUII), mandatory boater education, speed and proximity rules for personal watercraft (which became NASBLA’s Model Act) and the children’s life jacket wear law. “Since the law was enacted in 1998, we have not lost a child without a life jacket,” said Marty Law, Education and Information Manager. “Laws like this one have saved countless lives and other states soon followed Oregon’s example with similar legislation.” Furthermore, under Donheffner’s watch, the Oregon State Marine Board has become nationally recognized for its programs, its funding structure and its boating safety laws and regulations. Donheffner was also instrumental in solidifying the transfer of some of the state’s gas tax funds to the Marine Board. The tax accounts for 40 percent of the Marine Board’s budget and has provided a major boost to all Marine Board programs, especially boating facilities and law enforcement.
The Marine Board and staff wish retired Director Paul Donheffner “fair winds and following seas…with many tight lines along the way.”
Ashley A. Massey
Public Information Officer
Oregon State Marine Board
503-378-8587 ext. 82623
ashley.massey at state.or.us
Oregonians have the right to use the waterways -and the responsibility to keep them clean. Never launch a Dirty Boat.
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