OSPS E-News ~ Prior year PERS adjustments

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Thu Jul 20 10:25:03 PDT 2017

Hello Payroll Professionals,

After seeing the impact of prior year P060 PERS adjustments, OSPS has decided that agencies should only make prior year corrections in OSPA on the P050 and P060 screens when money is owed to the employee.  There are annual subject wage limits for PERS setup in the system which are impacted by these prior year adjustments.  Below are the known scenarios and our recommendations on how to correct them.

If you feel your situation does not fit these scenarios please call the OSPS Help Desk.

If there are corrections needed for a prior tax year with no wages owed:

*         Do not make P060 entries for prior year corrections in OSPA

*         The agency will pay for this outside the payroll system when DAS Centralized PERS reconciles the agency's PERS account
If an employee is owed additional wages (timesheet corrections, PPDB Differential, Reclass, etc.) for a prior tax year and is making PERS contributions:

*         If employer paid contributions and employee is NOT SEIU represented.

a.       Make PERS subject P050 entries in current pay period

b.      Send YTD-Correction form or spreadsheet to CPERS with details

*         If employee is SEIU represented, and wages owed are for October 2016 or prior

a.       Use Non-PERS subject P050 entries in current pay period

b.      Make P060 entries using employer paid pick up code  (RSE, RSM, RSP)

                                                               i.      Make sure to use the corresponding match rate

c.       Send YTD-Correction form or spreadsheet to CPERS with details

*         If employee is SEIU represented and wages are owed for November 2016 and later

a.       Use PERS non subject P050 entries in current pay period

b.      Send YTD-Correction form or spreadsheet to CPERS with details
If employee owes money back for a prior tax year:

*         These should be collected outside the payroll system if it is for a prior tax year

a.       A/R account through Accounting

*         Employee would need a corrected W2 once overpayment is repaid in full for the prior tax year

*          Send YTD-Correction form or spreadsheet to CPERS with details (no need to wait for employee to payback)

Thank you,

Geri Greeno-Sanders
OSPS Senior System Analyst
DAS/EGS/FBS/Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
(503) 373-0259 - direct
(503) 378-3518 - fax
geri.l.greeno-sanders at oregon.gov<mailto:geri.l.greeno-sanders at oregon.gov>

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