OSPS E-News ~ Manual checks for 3/1/2019

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Thu Feb 28 17:37:42 PST 2019

Payroll professionals,

I've asked my Help Desk team to do a morning manual check run at 10am tomorrow.  Then there will be the normal check run cutoff at 11:30.

Please mark your check request with 'URGENT' and any 'URGENT' requests we have by 10am will be processed.  The goal is to have those checks available at 11am in the lockboxes.

If you are needing to pay an employee and can see them in OSPA (ie P030) then please call us.  We want to help you get any employee paid in OSPA, if possible.

Here is the process if you need to get a warrant created in SFMA to pay an employee not setup in OSPA.  If your agency's accounting office has questions they need to reach out to their SFMS analyst.  SFMA has a noon cutoff for printing warrants too.
Create Substitute Check
Agency Payroll Department

*         Calculate a net check amount for the individual.

o   Paycheckcity.com has a calculator tool that might be helpful.

o   It is better to underestimate the net check amount owed to avoid an overpayment.

*         Request that the agency Finance Department cut a check through the SFMA system.
Agency Finance Department

*         Enter a VP document using Tcode 287.

o   This Tcode will not require a comptroller object or 1099 indicator.

o   Create a vendor number that begins with 9 as a dummy number.

?  This number does not need a profile.

?  This number should not be a social security number.

?  The same number can be used for all employees needing checks.

o   Enter employee name and address.

*         Give resulting check to employee and provide copy to payroll tech.

Recovery Process
Agency Payroll Department

*         Once employee is setup in Workday and OSPA, then offset wages owed with the net check amount paid to the employee from SFMA.  Specifically an agency payroll tech would enter a 'PANN' entry to reimburse the agency.

*         Since the wages that were due to the employee are now being paid through OSPA they will be part of the employee's W-2 for 2019.

*         Deliver check cut by OSPA from the 'PANN' entry to Agency Finance Department.
Agency Finance Department

*         Deposit check with a Tcode 162.



Seth Lewis
DAS/EGS/FBS/Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
503-373-0198, direct
503-378-3518, fax
503-378-6777, OSPS Help Desk
seth.lewis at oregon.gov<mailto:seth.lewis at oregon.gov>
Visit Our Online Resource Center:  State of Oregon: Oregon Statewide Payroll Services<http://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Payroll/Pages/Index.aspx>

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