OSPS E-News ~ $10 and less net pay negatives and positives

Announcements from OSPS to the users of the Oregon State Payroll Application osps-news at omls.oregon.gov
Fri Oct 21 15:19:55 PDT 2022

Hello Payroll Professionals,

We are currently working on an automated process to clear net pay negatives and positives that are $10 or less for terminated employees. Please don't send requests for $10 or less to OSPS at this time. Please focus on clearing your net pay negatives and positives that are more than $10 and if these need to be cleared to taxes (negatives only), then these can be sent to OSPS for terminated employees only. Positive amounts owed over $10 net to be paid to the employees.

I'm sending this message because after the year end forum, we've seen a ton of you working very hard to clear any and all net pay negatives and positives and we really appreciated that. It was mentioned at forum that we were still working on the appropriate level at which we could clear an amount to taxes and with all the rules and regulations around payroll, it was decided that the $10 or less would be the most appropriate.

We plan to run this automated process to clear items below the $10 threshold after the November run 2 process.

Please continue to work on those net pay negatives and positives above $10 because, those underpayments and overpayments for any amount for current employees should be taken care of as soon as possible.

Thank you so much

Jason Robinson (he, him, his), CPA
OSPS Manager
DAS | Oregon Statewide Payroll Services
(971) 900-7688
Data Classification: Level 2 - Limited

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