[RFHF] $25 Online Course addressing Every Child Ready to Read 2nd Edition

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Dec 20 08:34:16 PST 2011

Hello!  I just learned about the following training opportunity, unfortunately very few details seem to be available so if you have questions please ask:
Enid Costley at enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov<mailto:enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov>. It is an online training expanding on dimensions of language and literacy development addressed in the Every Child Ready to Read 2nd Edition early literacy curriculum.  It includes more research and covers the developmental progression of oral language and early literacy skills.

This is a new course, I have not taken it so have no more information than you about the content, schedule, or rigor of study required.  However, I have attended face-to-face trainings by Saroj Ghoting and she is amazing!  For those of you not familiar with her, she is sort-of an early literacy guru in the library community.

To Register go to: http://www.vpl.lib.va.us/

Most questions about the course format may be found at http://www.vpl.lib.va.us/ce-training/moodle.html


Katie Anderson, Library Development Services
* Youth Services Consultant * Oregon Center for the Book Coordinator *
Oregon State Library, 250 Winter St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
katie.anderson at state.or.us<mailto:katie.anderson at state.or.us>, 503-378-2528
<mailto:enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov>

<mailto:enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov>
From: Costley, Enid (LVA) [enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 5:05 AM
To: yscon at lists.ncmail.net; pubyac at lists.lis.illinois.edu
Subject: [YSCON] Online Course - Early Literacy and Book -taught by Saroj Ghoting

Saroj Ghoting will be presenting a four week online course beginning January 23, 2012 titled Early Literacy and Books: Making the Connection.
This four week online course Expands on the critical dimensions of language and literacy addressed in the second edition of Every Child Ready to Read to include more research as well as the developmental progression in oral language and the five early literacy components: vocabulary, phonological awareness, background knowledge, print awareness, and letter knowledge. In this class you will be learning to recognize what these early literacy components look like for each age-level of child, infants, toddlers, two and three year olds, and four and five year olds, and ways to support the components as you share books. A separate class, Early Literacy Enhanced Storytimes, will address incorporating early literacy information for parents in the storytime setting as well as the five practices also addressed in the second edition of ECRR, singing, talking, reading, writing, and playing. Early Literacy and Books is a prerequisite for that class

As a prerequisite is the Introduction to Moodle.  An free online course. Introduction to Moodle will be offered beginning January 9 and must be completed by January 27.  When you sign up for this course you will automatically be signed up for the Introduction to Moodle.

Required reading "Ages and Stages" by Karen Miller will be provided.
Participants will also be required to read "Bunny Fun" by Sarah Week

Course is space is limited and you are not signed up until payment has been received.  Cost is $25.00 payable to Library of Virginia
Please note that the course will be repeated in February
To Register go to
on the left side of the page click on "calendar of events"
CHANGE THE YEAR TO 2012 by clicking on "next year" at the top of the page
CHANGE THE MONTH TO January by clicking on the month at the top of the page

Enter information.

Most questions about the course format may be found at http://www.vpl.lib.va.us/ce-training/moodle.html

Enid Costley
Children's and Youth Services Consultant
Library of Virginia
800 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov<mailto:enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov>

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