[TL-Directors] Libraries and Cover Oregon

Arlene Weible arlene.weible at state.or.us
Fri Sep 6 11:09:12 PDT 2013

Please excuse the cross-posting, we are seeking to spread the word as broadly as possible!

The State Library has been collaborating with Cover Oregon to put together resources for libraries in anticipation of the roll out of  Oregon's state-based health insurance marketplace in October. The result is the following web site, hosted at the State Library:


The web site offers information about ordering promotional materials, training opportunities, and other suggestions for library activities related to the Cover Oregon enrollment period. We will be updating the site as new information becomes available, so please continue to check back as we near October.

We particularly encourage libraries to take a look at the Levels of Potential Library Participation planning model<http://www.oregon.gov/OSL/LD/resources/Libraries_CoverOregon.pdf>, which was created assist libraries in planning activities related to Cover Oregon. Libraries can choose to participate in any activities at any level, but we hope this model may help you assess and plan a level of participation that makes sense for your library.

We also have plans to host a webinar specifically oriented towards Oregon libraries with staff from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine later this month. More details will be forthcoming.

If you have been collaborating with local organizations in your community to develop activities or training, please share your stories with the State Library staff and your colleagues. Stories not only inspire your colleagues, but are also very much appreciated by Cover Oregon staff. We have been very encouraged by their enthusiasm for involving libraries and we want to let them know what the library community is doing!

Please contact me if you have any questions!

Arlene Weible
Electronic Services Consultant
Oregon Federal Regional Depository Coordinator
Library Development Services
Oregon State Library
250 Winter St NE
Salem OR, 97301
arlene.weible at state.or.us<mailto:arlene.weible at state.or.us>

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