[DAS_Centralized_PERS_Services_Team] PERS working retiree notification letters

TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at oregon.gov
Tue May 5 16:56:16 PDT 2020

HR & Payroll Partners,

We have recently become aware that the standardized letters PERS sends to retirees who return to work have not been updated to reflect the SB1049 changes.  These notification letters still contain language about the 1040 hour limit. This is causing some additional confusion and you may receive questions from employees. PERS is working to update the letters, and they have up to date information on their website: https://www.oregon.gov/pers/RET/Pages/SB1049-Changes-Work-After-Retirement.aspx

The email below provides clarification on work hour limitations and should assist you in determining if hour limitations apply to working retirees at your agency.  The important thing to remember is that SB1049 lifted work hour restrictions for regular retiree's PERS benefits; however, there are still other statutes and policies that impose work hour limitations. These include, but are not limited to, PERS early retiree's, DAS policy for Executive Branch agencies, and Social Security Administration statutes.

It is important that all of these entities are taken into account when determining if a working retiree has hour limitations. If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Shauna Tobiasson | Senior CPERS Analyst | DAS-EGS-CPERS
Shauna.m.tobiasson at oregon.gov<mailto:Shauna.m.tobiasson at oregon.gov> | Cell: 971-719-3173
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Financial/payroll/Pages/index.aspx
"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." -Eleanor Roosevelt

From: TOBIASSON Shauna M * DAS <Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at oregon.gov<mailto:Shauna.M.TOBIASSON at oregon.gov>>
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 1:56 PM
To: das_centralized_pers_services_team at listsmart.osl.state.or.us<mailto:das_centralized_pers_services_team at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: PERS Class Plan Coding for Retirees beginning 1-1-2020

Agency HR & Payroll Staff,

With the passage of SB1049 PERS will no longer restrict work hours for regular retirees beginning January 1, 2020. PERS work hour restrictions will still apply for early retirees. The Executive Branch made the decision to maintain current work-after-retirement restrictions for Tier 1 and Tier 2 retirees, and extend those policies to OPSRP retirees. This means, all exec branch agency retirees will be subject to the 1,040 hour limitation and the exemptions in statute prior to the passage of SB 1049.

A few agencies have inquired about how to use the "R" and "M" PERS Class Plan in Workday now that there are new rules for working after retirement. Here is how DAS CPERS suggests these codes be used:

*        PERS Class Plan "R" Working with an hour limit: use for early retirees, all executive branch retirees, and  retirees at other agencies restricting retiree hour limits.
*        PERS Class Plan "M" No hour limit: use for retirees that meet an exception to the hour limit by statute, or work for a non-executive branch agency that is not imposing hour limits.

Agencies are required to follow the status check process and use discretion when setting up the appropriate PERS Class Plan in Workday. If you need any assistance with determining the appropriate PERS coding to use in Workday, please contact your CPERS Analyst<mailto:Central%20PERS%20Services%20Team%20*%20DAS%20%3cCentral.PERSServicesTeam at oregon.gov%3e>.

PERS information on SB1049 and working after retirement may be found here<https://www.oregon.gov/pers/RET/Pages/Work-After-Retirement.aspx>.

DAS policy on working after retirement is attached.

Please keep an eye out for an email coming soon about P010 coding for all retiree positions.


Shauna Tobiasson | Senior CPERS Analyst | DAS-EGS-CPERS
shauna.m.tobiasson at oregon.gov<mailto:shauna.m.tobiasson at oregon.gov>  | Ph: 503-378-6372
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Financial/payroll/Pages/index.aspx

Shauna Tobiasson | Senior CPERS Analyst | DAS-EGS-CPERS
Shauna.m.tobiasson at oregon.gov<mailto:Shauna.m.tobiasson at oregon.gov> | Cell: 971-719-3173
Website: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Financial/payroll/Pages/index.aspx
"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." -Eleanor Roosevelt

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