[HealthyTribes] Grantee and Contractors Evaluations

Kati MOSELEY kati.moseley at state.or.us
Mon Aug 1 16:37:46 PDT 2011

Hi Everyone,
It was great to see you all last week at the Grantee and Contractors
meeting. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete and submit
an evaluation of the meeting last week 
If you did not submit your evaluation, it isn't too late! I've attached
the evaluation form for you to fill out; or, if you already filled it
out by hand, please feel free to scan and email it or drop it in the
Your feedback on the content of these meetings is critical to
improvements in meeting structure, content and session delivery (not to
mention menus!). I hope to hear from more of you in the coming days
while the meeting is still fresh in your mind. 
Thank you, 
Kati Moseley, MPH
Workforce Capacity Coordinator 
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention
Public Health Division
Oregon Health Authority
Tel: 971-673-1002
Email: kati.moseley at state.or.us 

*If you want to build a ship, don*t drum up people together to collect
wood and don*t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long
for the endless immensity of the sea.* -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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