[HealthyTribes] Optional September Webinars-Online Counseling at Oregon's Quit Line

Kati MOSELEY kati.moseley at state.or.us
Mon Aug 22 13:42:54 PDT 2011

Hello Coordinators, 
Below, please find registration options for two optional webinars
taking place in September. 
Webinar content: Online Counseling: A new Oregon Tobacco Quit Line
option: The Quit Line is launching an online counseling service on
August 31, 2011 -- participants will now be able to email and chat with
their Quit Coaches.  This webinar will provide an overview of how online
counseling works, Web Coach 2.0, how to access and promote the service
to help people quit, and our planned media promotion.
Please also note that there is a required webinar in September. This
required webinar will include a Quit Line call demonstration with
Oregon's contractor, and time for webinar participants to ask questions
and debrief the demonstration. As you can tell, September's required
webinar is highly complimentary to the optional webinar being offered
Please consider registering for and attending the optional webinar
using the links below. I will send out details and registration
information for September's required webinars closer to the date.  If
you have any questions, please be in touch with me or your Liaison.

Title:Online Counseling: A new Oregon Tobacco Quit Line option
Date:Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Time:10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT

Title:Online Counseling: A new Oregon Tobacco Quit Line option
Date:Thursday, September 1, 2011
Time:1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PDT
Kati Moseley, MPH
Workforce Capacity Coordinator 
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention
Public Health Division
Oregon Health Authority
Tel: 971-673-1002
Email: kati.moseley at state.or.us 

*If you want to build a ship, don*t drum up people together to collect
wood and don*t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long
for the endless immensity of the sea.* -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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