[HealthyTribes] CDC report on lung cancer decline

Jennifer Messenger Heilbronner jmessenger at metgroup.com
Fri Sep 16 09:43:20 PDT 2011

Hello TPEP grantees,

As you may know, CDC yesterday released a report on the decline in new lung
cancer cases between 1999 and 2008. It's already gotten some pick up in
national media and in the Oregonian.

It's particularly good news for Oregon, which is one of just 6 states with a
drop in lung cancer among women.

OHA communication will be doing some additional media outreach Monday, and
we invite you to share the news with your local media. It's a powerful way
to make the case for tobacco prevention programs, since the drop in lung
cancer is strongly linked to the decline in smoking rates.

Attached are talking points, which contain a link to the full article and
CDC news release. MG is available to support you through TA. OHA is on
furlough today (Friday) but is available next week.

Thank you!
Jennifer Messenger Heilbronner
Metropolitan Group 
Direct: 503 517 3725
Twitter: @metgroup and @jmessenger

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