[HealthyTribes] Survey Report: Worksite Wellness Training Assessment

Pawlak Rebecca L rebecca.l.pawlak at state.or.us
Fri Apr 11 13:35:56 PDT 2014

Good afternoon grantees,

Attached is a survey report with the results of the recent survey you took on competencies related to tobacco-free county properties policy. This report will guide the development of training objectives for the Worksite Wellness In-person Training series for that will take place over the next year. We will be working with liaisons, the Grantee Capacity Advisory Group and Rede Group on assessing training needs for developing and working toward implementation of a tribal resolutions or policies establishing commercial tobacco-free campuses for tribal administrative buildings or tribal health clinics.

Contact your liaison with questions and have a great weekend.


Rebecca Pawlak, MPH - Worksite Wellness Initiative Lead
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention | Center for Prevention and Health Promotion
OREGON HEALTH AUTHORITY | 800 NE Oregon Street, Ste. 730, Portland OR 97232
desk:  971-673-1034 | mobile: 503-969-8437 | rebecca.l.pawlak at state.or.us<mailto:rebecca.l.pawlak at state.or.us>

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