[HealthyTribes] Place Matters Awards Nominations and Poster Sessions - Due August 12th

Epstein Andrew D andrew.d.epstein at state.or.us
Mon Aug 1 14:13:40 PDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

Please consider submitting a nomination for one of the four awards that will be presented at the Place Matters conference in October. Feel free to nominate someone from within your organization, a local partner, or a colleague from another part of the state - anyone who you would suggest be honored for their efforts to improve the health of our communities related to chronic disease prevention, early detection and self-management. More information and a nomination form is available on the registration website at http://beattygroup.cvent.com/events/place-matters-2016-working-together-to-create-healthy-communities/custom-21-4882fabf6abd44858bdc046283485f23.aspx.

Also, for the first time this year, Place Matters will include a poster session. Information and a poster proposal form is available at http://beattygroup.cvent.com/events/place-matters-2016-working-together-to-create-healthy-communities/custom-37-4882fabf6abd44858bdc046283485f23.aspx.

Award nominations and poster proposals are due next Friday, August 12, 2016. If there are any questions, let me know. Looking forward to seeing you all in October!


Andrew Epstein, MPH, CHES
Community Programs Liaison | Diabetes Program Coordinator
Public Health Division
andrew.d.epstein at state.or.us<mailto:andrew.d.epstein at state.or.us>
Phone 971-673-2379 | Mobile 503-969-5816

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From: CtyTobProMgrs [mailto:ctytobpromgrs-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of BERAN Todd
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 2:46 PM
To: ctytobpromgrs at listsmart.osl.state.or.us; healthytribes at listsmart.osl.state.or.us; 'healthycommunities at listsmart.osl.state.or.us' <healthycommunities at listsmart.osl.state.or.us>
Subject: [CtyTobProMgrs] Place Matters and Grantees & Contractors registration is open

[Place Matters 2016 Banner]
Dear Grantees,

Registration for Place Matters 2016 and 2016 Grantees & Contractors is now open at http://beattygroup.cvent.com/d/9fqb9d. The registration site will allow you to register for both Grantees & Contractors and Place Matters, including breakout sessions for Place Matters. Note: Please register as a "Grantee," or if presenting at a breakout session register as a "Breakout Speaker."

As part of grant requirements, at least one representative from all TPEP, SPArC and Healthy Communities grantees are required to attend both meetings in their entirety. You are also encouraged to invite partners and coalition members.

HPCDP will cover the expenses listed below for only the following individuals:

  *   Tribal and County TPEP: the program coordinator AND, if applicable, any additional TPEP staff
  *   SPArC: one staff person
  *   2016-2017 Healthy Communities: the program coordinator AND, if applicable, any additional staff person with 0.5 FTE or more through this grant

HPCDP will cover the following expenses for those listed above:

  *   Waived registration fee for Place Matters and Grantees & Contractors
  *   Lunch on all three days: October 4, 5, and 6
  *   For those traveling further than 70 miles, hotel for up to three nights (arriving Monday, October 3; departing Thursday, October 6) - Note: Hotel reservations may be made when you register, but to be assured a room and at the government rate, you must register by September 3.

Expenses grantees and all others will need to cover:

  *   Transportation to and from the meetings and parking
  *   Meals not provided at the conference - i.e. breakfasts and dinners
  *   All expenses for any additional staff beyond those noted above

If you have any questions, please contact your HPCDP Community Programs Liaison.

Todd Beran
Interim Community Programs Lead
Public Health Division
todd.beran at state.or.us<mailto:todd.beran at state.or.us>
desk:  971-673-1063 | cell: 503-569-9314

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D10D96.C6B9DCE0]

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