[HealthyTribes] June wrap up – Tobacco and Alcohol Retail Assessment Update

Wylie Sarah A SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us
Mon Jul 2 09:00:41 PDT 2018

Good morning, TPEP grantees and other retail assessment partners.

This is your June monthly update on the statewide tobacco and alcohol retail assessment. See the bottom of this email for background on the retail assessments.

Statewide progress: Here’s a brief snapshot of how the assessments are going statewide.

  *   Number of total assessments completed: Grantees and partners have completed 800 assessments. That’s about half of all the assessments!
  *   Number of counties and Tribes that have finished their data collection: 12 – congratulations to Crook, Clackamas, Deschutes, Hood River, and Josephine Counties for finishing their assessments since our last update.
Anecdote of the month: We received the following observations from Rebecca Knight in Polk County. This anecdote is a great example of how manufacturers and distributors drive ads and promotions in the retail environment. It also illustrates how the industry markets to specific groups. (Rebecca passed on much more information – this is just a sample. Reach out to knight.rebecca at co.polk.or.us<mailto:knight.rebecca at co.polk.or.us> if you want to learn more.)

  *   We learned that the alcohol companies come in with their price promotions and stick them on the glass cases. The alcohol companies even put the retailer’s name on their price promotion ads that they would stick on the display cases. [Ad photo below]
  *   We also observed with alcohol the large 32 to 40-ounce Alco-pops being sold in most locations. These large containers of course would be multiple serving sizes per can and were rather inexpensive. Hard Cider were also being sold in these large cans….Also, beer brands such as Budweiser also had their beers in these sizes. Budweiser did have flavored beer even when a regular 6 pack were not available or sold that location. These large containers of alcohol, in my opinion were being marketing to youth, college students and low income.
  *   In areas, that had higher populations of college students, we observed hookah tobacco being sold at the front counters. These hookah tobaccos also were flavored. In my opinion, this was a marketing technique towards college students. This product was not assessed in our populations.

Retail resource of the month: Wondering how to translate your assessments into practice? This new toolkit from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a step-by-step guide on how to measure alcohol outlet density and think about the health harms that step from high outlet density: https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/pdfs/CDC-Guide-for-Measuring-Alcohol-Outlet-Density.pdf.

Thanks for your hard work, and stay in touch!

Best regards,
Sarah W.

Tobacco and Alcohol Retail Assessment Background:
The tobacco and alcohol retail assessment aims to gather statewide point-of-sale data at tobacco and alcohol retailers. The widespread availability of tobacco and alcohol products and the visibility of tobacco, alcohol and sugary drink marketing at point-of-sale remain a significant public health concern, particularly in low socio-economic communities or neighborhoods with higher density of communities of color.

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Sarah Wylie, MPH
Health Promotion Strategist
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention Section | Public Health Division | OREGON HEALTH AUTHORITY
p: 971-673-1051
c: 971-200-9887
e: sarah.a.wylie at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:sarah.a.wylie at dhsoha.state.or.us>

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