[HealthyTribes] Coming Soon: Strategies for Policy and enviRonmental Change, Tobacco-Free (SPArC Tobacco-Free) Request for Grant Applications (RFGA)

Thirstrup Ashley ASHLEY.THIRSTRUP at dhsoha.state.or.us
Tue Jul 3 14:47:09 PDT 2018

Hello Tribal Tobacco Prevention Partners,

We wish to provide an update that HPCDP will soon be releasing the Strategies for Policy and enviRonmental Change, Tobacco-Free (SPArC Tobacco-Free) request for grant applications (RFGA).  A total of $1,000,000 will be available with award amounts expected to range from $50,000 to $300,000 for an 11 month period.   Eligible Applicants include Local Public Health Authorities (LPHAs), Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs), Tribal Health Agencies (THAs), Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO) and nonprofit health and social service organizations, or consortia of these entities. LPHAs must be included in the application (or provide a letter indicating they are opting out), but do not need to be the lead applicant.

Funds are intended to complement and accelerate tobacco prevention efforts underway in communities. Applicants can focus on one or both of the following two strategy areas; 1) adoption and implementation of clean indoor air policies including inhalant and smoke-free policies for workplaces and 2) adoption and implementation of tobacco retail licensure (if not already in place) and a minimum of one priority tobacco retail prevention policy. Efforts have been made to simplify project narrative requirements.  Applicants will be asked to outline their strategy design in the application, however Recipients will be developing an Action Plan together with OHA and others in the funding cohort within 14 days of the notice of award.

We will be posting the award announcement to the listservs in the coming weeks, and Applicants will have 21 days to submit applications.  Awards will be announced within seven business days of the RFGA closing.

Thank you,
Ashley Thirstrup
Community Programs Lead
Public Health Division
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention Section
Ashley.thirstrup at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:Ashley.thirstrup at dhsoha.state.or.us>
Desk: (971) 673-1026
Cell: (503) 720-2557

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