[HealthyTribes] Applications now open for the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program

Leeb Jordana A JORDANA.A.LEEB at dhsoha.state.or.us
Thu Jul 12 15:44:53 PDT 2018

From: Knight Cancer Community Partnership Program

RFP now available from the Community Partnership Program


The OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program is pleased to announce that a funding cycle is now open. Applications will be accepted for projects that aim to address local, community-specific cancer-related needs in Oregon. In addition to funds, grantees gain access to trainings, technical assistance and networking opportunities to enhance project success.

The request for proposals is now available on the how to apply page<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__click.send.ohsu.edu_-3Fqs-3D7cc615e78f28257a2bb9a771aad66e77ecd209c26950f54b4060647102a192cbef12282c5dfa39f708e5a6f03a13b14c&d=DwMDaQ&c=7gilq_oJKU2hnacFUWFTuYqjMQ111TRstgx6WoATdXo&r=RkWtZu0PQInJV2Uw7-oFc8ra5ZWj3jtzC10faNmjHb3BIOQm3n7OVegLSJPr7qYh&m=n38qL15l_jP8IbWvKzJHnMYc6XpjoKsNb02Am9Xuv88&s=1giZMbnT5GJWwkqE5G2nP2IuYhYSKBsv6ovxaa9_PRM&e=> of the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program website.

  *   Visit our applicant resources page<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__click.send.ohsu.edu_-3Fqs-3D7cc615e78f28257ab45187066b4abfe2fcbeb84a09dc5439c4cf32127925a7b88fe491ad34e4e7eacd74439f906c77d6&d=DwMDaQ&c=7gilq_oJKU2hnacFUWFTuYqjMQ111TRstgx6WoATdXo&r=RkWtZu0PQInJV2Uw7-oFc8ra5ZWj3jtzC10faNmjHb3BIOQm3n7OVegLSJPr7qYh&m=n38qL15l_jP8IbWvKzJHnMYc6XpjoKsNb02Am9Xuv88&s=wD9PwgOB_cycVWnYTsUuDgCG22kuWpRHrK78AX7RhGc&e=> to access guides and webinars to support the development of your proposal.
  *   Intent to apply forms are due at noon on August 1, 2018
  *   Full proposals are due at noon on September 4, 2018
Grants are available in three tiers to support organizations in taking an initial idea and moving through the funding tiers to develop a sustainable effort.

  *   Tier 1 Define Need: grants of up to $10,000
  *   Tier 2 Develop and Pilot: grants of up to $25,000
  *   Tier 3 Evaluate and Sustain: grants of up to $50,000
New this funding cycle:

  *   A simpler, more focused application and scope for Tier 1 to support all organizations, regardless of their experience with cancer issues, in developing a data driven action plan.
  *   Stronger project focus for Tiers 2 and 3 to increase local capacity and the likelihood of long-term success.
Continued focus on addressing cancer-related health disparities
Proposals that address cancer-related health disparities, including disparities related to race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, geographic location and disability continue to be highly encouraged. We highly encourage applications from organizations led by or committed to serving these priority populations.

For questions about the program or application process, please contact the Community Partnership Program team at (503) 494-1617 (option 6) or email KnightCancerCRO at ohsu.edu<mailto:KnightCancerCRO at ohsu.edu>.

We hope you will consider submitting a proposal and/or sharing this opportunity with colleagues or community partners that may be interested in applying.


Jackilen Shannon, Ph.D., R.D.
Professor, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
Director, Integrated Program in Community Research
Associate Director, Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute
Director, Knight Community Engaged Research Program
Co-Director, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program

Kerri Winters-Stone, Ph.D., F.A.C.S.M.
Professor, OHSU School of Nursing
Co-Director, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program
Co-Leader, OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Cancer Prevention and Control Program


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