[HealthyTribes] SPArC Tobacco-Free Request for Grant Applications

Thirstrup Ashley ASHLEY.THIRSTRUP at dhsoha.state.or.us
Tue Jul 17 16:36:22 PDT 2018

(ORPIN Opportunity #OHA-4633- 18)

Dear Vendors and Other Interested Persons:

Please note that a new Request for Applications, RFGA 4633: STRATEGIES FOR POLICY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, TOBACCO-FREE for the Oregon Health Authority has been posted officially with attachments on the Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) site: https://orpin.oregon.gov/.   The RFGA currently requires that Applications be submitted by August 8th, 2018 at 3:00 PM.

Here's an excerpt from the Introduction of that Opportunity:


The State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), requests Applications from qualified Applicants to implement tobacco prevention and education strategies that address 1) changing the retail environment to limit the influence of tobacco and/or 2) protecting and strengthening jurisdictional clean indoor air policies. This Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) is titled Strategies for Policy And enviRonmental Change, Tobacco-free (SPArC Tobacco-Free).  The Application is conditioned on OHA's acceptance of any other terms and conditions or rights to negotiate any alternative terms and conditions that are not reasonably related to those expressly authorized for negotiation in the RFGA or Addenda.

Local Public Health Authorities (LPHAs), Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs), Tribal Health Agencies (THAs) and nonprofit health and social service organizations, or consortia of these entities, may submit only a single Application for this RFGA. (A Consortium and associated Application details are defined in Section 2.2.2.)

All Applicants must attest that they will not finance the same scope of work under more than one Grant and that they will not supplant or duplicate existing local, state or federal funding for any activities within the Project description.  See Application Cover Sheet (Attachment A), Item #9.

OHA anticipates awarding between eight (8) and twelve (12) grants through the SPArC Tobacco-free RFGA opportunity for the initial funding period of August 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.  Awards amounts are expected to range from $50,000 to $300,000. Each award amount is subject to negotiation by OHA and is dependent on the quality of the Application, proposed activities, size of intervention population, population size of the region served, geographic diversity, health burden of the intervention population, and likelihood of Applicant's success in fulfilling plan strategies within the proposed budget. OHA seeks Applications that identify an intervention population bearing a disproportionate burden of tobacco use and tobacco related health outcomes.

OHA will make initial award decisions subject to OHA approval of budgets.

Note: Following the initial grant awards, OHA reserves the right to provide additional funding to the Recipients awarded grants from this RFGA at any time during the entire project period of August 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021.  If new or additional resources for SPArC Tobacco-free become available, OHA reserves the right to make reasonable adjustments to program period and funding period dates based on actual start times. "
The entire official RFGA including Application requirements, and Attachments A-D, may be accessed and downloaded through the Oregon Procurement Information Network (ORPIN) website http://orpin.oregon.gov/open.dll/welcome  and specifically, ORPIN Opportunity #OHA-4633-18.
See the "Attachments Exist" folder for that opportunity to download the RFGA and other attachments.
The following website provides answers  to common questions regarding ORPIN registration and use of ORPIN: http://www.oregon.gov/DAS/Procurement/Pages/ORPIN.aspx.

Once you are logged in to ORPIN and have Opportunity # OHA-4633-18 open, you will need to click the "Express / View Interest" in the left column in order to download / view the RFGA and its attachment(s). The RFGA describes the Opportunity and contains the Application requirements which must be followed by all Applicants and required forms. The official RFGA and attachments for this solicitation are posted on ORPIN under the "Attachments Exist" folder.  All official Questions and Answers, and Addenda revising RFGA requirements, will be posted on the ORPIN Opportunity listed above.

For questions about using or registering on ORPIN,  or downloading this opportunity, please call the ORPIN Help Desk at (503) 373-1774 or send an email to info.orpin at oregon.gov<mailto:info.orpin at oregon.gov>.

Please send all questions regarding RFGA #4633 to John F. Gardner, the Single Point of Contact (SPC) for this RFGA, via email to: john.f.gardner at state.or.us<mailto:john.f.gardner at state.or.us>.

Thank you very much.
John F. Gardner
Procurement & Contract Specialist
DHS/OHA Office of Contracts & Procurement
* 971-673-1257 * John.F.Gardner at state.or.us<mailto:John.F.Gardner at state.or.us>
OCP Homepage: https://inside.dhsoha.state.or.us/asd/ocp.html
ORPIN Help: http://www.oregon.gov/das/Procurement/Pages/ORPIN.aspx

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