[HealthyTribes] Oregon's AI/AN Commercial Tobacco Quit Line Program Webinar

Pope Shira R SHIRA.R.POPE at dhsoha.state.or.us
Wed Jul 3 09:27:15 PDT 2019


The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) in partnership with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) identified opportunities to provide culturally appropriate tobacco cessation services for the American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) population in Oregon. Specifically, OHA and NPAIHB worked with the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line contractor, Optum, to implement the AI/AN Commercial Tobacco Quit Line Program in Oregon. The AI/AN Commercial Tobacco Quit Line program is modeled after the successful pilots within tribal communities in Oklahoma and Minnesota.  The goal of this program is to provide culturally specific commercial tobacco cessation services to increase the use of the Oregon Tobacco Quit Line among AI/AN commercial tobacco users and support users with quitting commercial tobacco.

During this webinar, Optum will provide an overview of the Oregon AI/AN Commercial Tobacco Quit Line Program, which began in March 2019. Optum will speak specifically to the participant experience when they call this quit line program, using transcripts from actual calls, and discuss how the intake and intervention differs from the general Oregon Tobacco Quit Line program.

Date: July 22, 2019
Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm (PST)
Link: https://optum.webex.com/optum/j.php?MTID=m65871e1ea082adcfe8b122f1204d76e8

Join by phone

Meeting number (access code): 646 805 434

For any questions about this webinar, please contact Maria Martin, Maria.Martin2 at optum.com<mailto:Maria.Martin2 at optum.com>

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