[HealthyTribes] Upcoming vaping webinar for education partners

Wylie Sarah A SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us
Wed Nov 6 16:36:30 PST 2019

Good evening,

Please see a webinar announcement for November 13 geared towards to schools and hosted by the Public Health Law Center. Please share with your networks as relevant.

Schools can be an influential partner in moving forward protective community policies to address the vaping epidemic, such as tobacco retail licensing and flavor bans, among other policy options.  Schools can also examine their own policies and the unique role they have to address vaping among youth.

Tools to Assist Schools Navigate the Vaping Epidemic
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Time: 10:00am Pacific Time

Communities are at the front line of navigating the rise in youth use of e-cigarettes, which some have termed a "Juul epidemic." This webinar will describe the trends in youth use of Juul and other e-cigarette products, the public health harms of e-cigarette use, and the unique role schools play in addressing the epidemic. The Public Health Law Center will present the highlights of a model policy for K-12 schools and discuss the importance of ensuring youth use is addressed with approaches that effectively alleviate the addictive properties of nicotine in place of strictly punitive measures. The American Lung Association will provide an overview of its INDEPTH program - a new, convenient alternative to suspension or citation that helps schools and communities address the teen vaping problem in a more supportive way.

As a reminder, additional resources for partners working with young people can be found on, http://www.healthyoregon.gov/vaping<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.healthyoregon.gov_vaping&d=DwMGaQ&c=7gilq_oJKU2hnacFUWFTuYqjMQ111TRstgx6WoATdXo&r=DroDYV9FZsdnQIjD28KGHiKzNjJDMNAfjrWBEJTWLCAWfUdh_DF6BawOUt92-xUW&m=yx_cPPLRUlTrxQtlrHUzJiRi5uD5RQGP4BD0Id91VVY&s=UKphE8oqI_88d4YtcO2nngPaZAZ1wzdU1F1xgnwLMkE&e=>.
Resources include one-pagers and posters for health care providers, parents and educators, and young people. These materials are posted in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

Best regards,

Sarah Wylie, MPH
Health Promotion Strategist
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention Section | Public Health Division | OREGON HEALTH AUTHORITY
p: 971-673-1051
c: 971-200-9887
e: sarah.a.wylie at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:sarah.a.wylie at dhsoha.state.or.us>

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