[HealthyTribes] Now available: New web tables on chronic disease, alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, health screenings, and health risk and protective factors among gay, lesbian and bisexual Oregon adults

Weston Tara E TARA.E.WESTON at dhsoha.state.or.us
Mon Nov 18 10:40:04 PST 2019

Please see the message below regarding new web tables.

Greetings Grantees and Partners,

The Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention section (HPCDP) of the Oregon Health Authority is pleased to announce the availability of information about the health of gay, lesbian and bisexual Oregon adults.  The Oregon Adults by Sexual Orientation data  (2014-2017) is organized by:

  *   Alcohol and marijuana use<https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/CHRONICDISEASE/DATAREPORTS/Documents/datatables/ORlfbBRFSS_alcmj.pdf>;
  *   Tobacco use<https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/CHRONICDISEASE/DATAREPORTS/Documents/datatables/ORlfbBRFSS_tobacco.pdf>;
  *   Chronic disease prevalence;<https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/CHRONICDISEASE/DATAREPORTS/Documents/datatables/ORlfbBRFSS_diseases.pdf>
  *   Health protective factors;<https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/CHRONICDISEASE/DATAREPORTS/Documents/datatables/ORlfbBRFSS_protectivefactors.pdf>
  *   Health risk factors<https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/CHRONICDISEASE/DATAREPORTS/Documents/datatables/ORlfbBRFSS_riskfactors.pdf> and;
  *   Health screenings<https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DISEASESCONDITIONS/CHRONICDISEASE/DATAREPORTS/Documents/datatables/ORlfbBRFSS_screenings.pdf>

You can find all of the above reports along with additional information on the Chronic Disease Data website at https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/DiseasesConditions/ChronicDisease/DataReports/Pages/index.aspx under the Adult Data section. Just click on the "+" (plus) sign on the Adult Data section to expand the list of information available.

Please let us know if you have any questions on this or other data provided by HPCDP.


Rodney Garland-Forshee
Surveillance Team Lead
Public Health Division
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention
rodney.garland at state.or.us<mailto:rodney.garland at state.or.us>
Desk: 971-673-1348
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