[HealthyTribes] HPCDP Tribal TPEP Digest #5 12/2/20

Thirstrup Ashley ASHLEY.THIRSTRUP at dhsoha.state.or.us
Wed Dec 2 15:49:12 PST 2020

Dear Tribal TPEP Coordinators,

We hope this finds you all doing well.  Please continue to share community updates, resources and information that we can share out in the next Digest. Keep the feedback coming about what might be helpful to your work.  Here are the latest updates:

  1.  Smokefree Oregon Cessation Campaign English Language Webinar - Register now! This winter's Smokefree Oregon cessation campaign kicks off the week of December 14! This is the first of two webinars to share new ads, campaign strategy, and tools your program can to use to help people quit this winter. Smokefree Oregon has new ads in English and Spanish, and we're hosting webinars in both languages. This winter's campaign is especially important with tobacco and e-cigarette prices increasing on January 1.
Register here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__metgroup.zoom.us_meeting_register_tJItcOmorTsiGdVW-5F0FlB38uXK-5FlS5k-2DN7D4&d=DwMGaQ&c=7gilq_oJKU2hnacFUWFTuYqjMQ111TRstgx6WoATdXo&r=N39dt00JVCugEsD1jieWdqD8gHBDFm8wJn4ujdY2ysJ7l67Yk4PfB-2cEhkFbBwF&m=LpreLDRM5BdJEiOVOQgpUJwe0yiYtUMXv9IJIxJRUsg&s=Xtds6mnpZA8LtLGQF5rsTTWRU3vbJD81bc5sKVbO8_c&e=> to get the Zoom details for Monday 12/7 from 2-3pm, and keep a lookout for downloadable campaign toolkits!  Contact Sarah Wylie with questions at SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us>.

  1.  Smokefree Oregon Cessation Campaign Spanish Language Webinar - Register now! This winter's Smokefree Oregon cessation campaign kicks off the week of December 14! Smokefree Oregon has created original ads in Spanish for the first time, and this webinar will give an overview in Spanish of both the English and Spanish ads, strategy, and tools your program can use to help people quit this winter. This winter's campaign is especially important with tobacco and e-cigarette prices increasing on January 1. Community partners welcome. Register here<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__metgroup.zoom.us_meeting_register_tJctcu2gqDspHN28FaYQ-5FKF8FpyJPoWZfphw&d=DwMGaQ&c=7gilq_oJKU2hnacFUWFTuYqjMQ111TRstgx6WoATdXo&r=N39dt00JVCugEsD1jieWdqD8gHBDFm8wJn4ujdY2ysJ7l67Yk4PfB-2cEhkFbBwF&m=LpreLDRM5BdJEiOVOQgpUJwe0yiYtUMXv9IJIxJRUsg&s=oMxbkzYwcjNqBt336rYfjtRYg_OgTvELsYlD5xsV_J8&e=> to get the Zoom details for Tuesday 12/8 from 1-2pm, and keep a lookout for downloadable campaign toolkits! Contact Sarah Wylie with questions at SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us>.

  1.  We See/They See Tobacco Prevention Campaign Highlights.  Our tobacco prevention media campaign (We See / They See in English, Vemos / Ven in Spanish) wrapped up in July with strong results: 92,500 ad clicks, 45,334 new website users, and 7 TV news segments. The strong Spanish ad performance also inspired the new Spanish-language cessation campaign. You can keep using the campaign elements to support your prevention strategy with these quick tools.  Download these pre-drafted social posts<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gFoffvVGMGQiNfQTL5iKn5FeUtp2wKytU8e1asHx30U/edit> and this email blurb<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gFoffvVGMGQiNfQTL5iKn5FeUtp2wKytU8e1asHx30U/edit>. More content and information can be found in the We See/They See Campaign Toolkit on the TPEP Portal. Contact Sarah Wylie with questions at SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us>.

  1.  Webinar: Examining the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Substance Use among Tribal Populations.  The National Criminal Justice Training Center is holding a webinar to examine the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and substance use, with an emphasis on research specific to tribal communities and youth. Discuss the confounding effects of social economic factors and ethnicity-based differences in prevalence rates. Review culturally-enhanced treatment options for ACEs. Explore specific strategies for caregivers, prevention specialists, treatment providers, criminal justice professionals and community members. The webinar will be held January 6th from 1:00 – 2:00 and you can register here<https://ncjtc.fvtc.edu/trainings/TR00240206/TRI0240207/examining-the-relationship-between-adverse-childhood-experiences-and-substance-use-among-tribal-popu?utm_source=cc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-10-09-%20webinar%20dec%20alcohol%20and%20substance%20abuse&utm_term=ias>.

  1.  2021 State of Black Health Virtual Conference. The State of Black Health is excited to announce that this year's conference will be a completely digital experience! The 2-day event will be on March 2-3, 2021 and registration is open now! The conference will tackle cancer, mental health, menthol and the disparate impact of COVID-19 on African American populations. There are also have a ton of surprises, special activations and premium swag curated just for you. Conference registration for the virtual event is $75.
Register online  at www.stateofblackhealth.com/register<http://www.stateofblackhealth.com/register>. For questions, please contact  info at centerforblackhealth.org<mailto:info at centerforblackhealth.org>.

  1.  TPEP Portal - Seven-Minute Overview. The Smokefree Oregon website TPEP Portal is a helpful first stop for trainings, toolkits, weblinks, and more. We put together a quick, seven-minute tour of how to use the portal. Watch the video here<https://youtu.be/CgZiUBbFRcE> - or find it on the TPEP Portal! Contact Sarah Wylie with questions at  SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:SARAH.A.WYLIE at dhsoha.state.or.us>.

  1.  Please complete the annual course OHA - PHD - Appropriate Use of Public Funds<https://ilearn.oregon.gov/ContentDetails.aspx?id=67889227F5964DBAAF4684D3F37FF1B0>. This 45 minute online learning module reviews the somewhat complex rules and expectations around lobbying, advocacy, education and electioneering. Completing this training and refreshing your understanding of these concepts is a required activity for all programs that receive state and federal funds through HPCDP. The training should be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the end of February. If you have any questions about the content of the training, please reach out to your Community Programs Liaison.
Here are the instructions to access the training:
Go to iLearn website here: https://ilearn.oregon.gov/default.aspx#<https://ilearn.oregon.gov/default.aspx>

1.      Click on Create Account at top right of screen (under the web browser icons).  See instructions for setting up a non-state employee ILearn account on page 12 here: https://www.oregon.gov/das/HR/Documents/ManagingAccounts-Admin.pdf

2.      If you have a previous iLearn account, log in.

3.      Once you are logged into iLearn, type into the search box:  OHA - PHD - Appropriate Use of Public Funds
And click on “online” on the left-hand side under ‘Content Type.’ After clicking this box, the training should be the first on the list.

  *   If you are logged into iLearn but cannot find the training, you may have registered with iLearn for another state agency’s training and may only have access to that agency’s domain. You will need to contact iLearn support to request that the domain OHA-Public Health be added to your profile.
  *   Please note that the Firefox browser works best for the ILearn platform.

Thank you,

Ashley Thirstrup, MPA
Manager, Community Policy, Systems and Environmental Change
Public Health Division
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention Section
Ashley.thirstrup at dhsoha.state.or.us<mailto:Ashley.thirstrup at dhsoha.state.or.us>
Desk: (971) 673-1026
Cell: (503) 720-2557

pronouns: she/her

The Oregon Public Health Division is located on the traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and other Indigenous nations.

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