[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2020-05-15

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Fri May 15 10:50:24 PDT 2020

Oregon Heritage News 2020-05-15

In this issue:

  *   In case you missed it - Starting the Reopening Conversation tool
  *   Oregon Heritage COVID-19 Commiseration Call: Imagining Re-Opening, May 20
  *   Grants for community-based archives
  *   AASLH shares samples plans for reopening
  *   Financial Structures and Strategy online course begins May 26
  *   Oregon Main Street Award winner continues awesome work!
  *   IMLS, SBA Offer on-demand webinar on the Paycheck Protection Program for Museums, Libraries
  *   NHT Preservation Leadership Forum COVID-19 resources
  *   Upcoming webinars
  *   This week's Oregon Historical Quarterly Free Article Round-Up offerings focus on Historic Preservation Month
  *   Museums Feeding Communities During COVID-19

In case you missed it - Starting the Reopening Conversation tool

We can imagine that this is very overwhelming and with all of the state and county reopening plans, we thought it would be good to provide a suggested path for your organization to start the reopening planning conversation and process. In the spirit of the 2020 Oregon Heritage Plan Goal 4: Pursue best practices, it's critical during this time to not forget the important part of process during an organization's decision-making. We have provided a process-based path for your organization to start this conversation<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/Reopening%20Conversation.pdf>. We will also be having a phone call next week<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?eid=Mzk0aXExYWljZnM0NjZkcjF0Zmo3Z3NzNG0gOGFrNXA1b241cDBldjZqajg4dWVsanVxNDBAZw&ctz=America/Los_Angeles> focused on reopening so we encourage you to take a look at this tool, look at the included guidelines, start the conversation and come to the call with questions, concerns, and ideas.

  *   REOPENING TOOL - Starting the Reopening Conversation<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/Reopening%20Conversation.pdf>

Oregon Heritage COVID-19 Commiseration Call: Imagining Re-Opening, May 20

Join us May 20, 1-2pm, for Commiseration Call 4: "Imagining Re-Opening"
Thank you to all heritage sites in Oregon who have responded to the Governor's stay at home order and closed your doors these past two months. While we don't know when restrictions will be lifted or when people will feel safe visiting heritage sites again, we do know that reopening will take a great deal of planning. Let's start strategizing together! Join colleagues from our heritage network to think through potential scenarios, where to find guidance in your community, and tips on how to start building flexible plans for reopening with safety at the forefront. Questions, ideas, and concerns are welcome. This is a chance to brainstorm as a group.  Some questions to consider:

How are you beginning this conversation with your organization?
Are you taking a phased approach?
What benchmarks/guidelines are you using?
Is there something you are having an issue troubleshooting? Bring it to the group to strategize
Have you considered a survey to your staff/community/members/volunteers about their thoughts on what would make them feel safe working at/visiting the site?

Join Skype Meeting<https://meet.lync.com/stateoforegon-oregon/beth.dehn/046ZF23H>:  or call: (503) 446-4951, Access Code: 603093311#

Grants for community-based archives

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation invites grant applications from community-based archives that represent and serve communities marginalized due to oppression based on race, ethnicity, national origin, class, gender, sexuality, religion, or ability. Applications are due July 1. Read more.<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fmellon.org%2Fprograms%2Fscholarly-communications%2Fcall-for-proposals-community-based-archives%2F/1/0100017209d5da02-6f755d16-135c-4d38-b835-39d48b484fe5-000000/MOwWgfKhBKOiD6JR2h5KFTuMvyc=161>

AASLH shares samples plans for reopening

AASLH and other associations will be collecting and sharing case studies of institutions' plans to reopen. Some states are closer than others to restarting businesses and allowing the public back into museums and cultural sites. As we receive examples of plans to reopen (please send them to info at aaslh.org<mailto:info at aaslh.org>), AASLH will be sharing them on its website. Read more and see sample plans here.<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.org%2Fcovid19%2F/1/0100017209d5da02-6f755d16-135c-4d38-b835-39d48b484fe5-000000/_5zsnx9eBVJFJ5c5GD9wcYzbpug=161>

Financial Structures and Strategy online course begins May 26

Whether you have financial responsibilities at your organization, wish to build a skill set for a leadership position in the future, or simply want to better comprehend and contribute to financial decision-making, our Financial Structures and Strategy online course is for you. Join us for this or one of our other online courses this summer. See the classes and register here<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Flearn.aaslh.org%2Fupcoming-events/1/0100017209d5da02-6f755d16-135c-4d38-b835-39d48b484fe5-000000/sV5Vso_E8x-2p3vV141pyLfM3Ig=161>.

Oregon Main Street Award winner continues awesome work!

In 2017 at the Excellence in Downtown Revitalization Awards as part of the 2017 Oregon Main Street Conference, Baker Technical Institute's Natural Resource department received the Best Partnership award for their brownfield restoration program. At the time of the awards, The Baker Technical Institute Natural Resources Brownfield was the only high school-based brownfield restoration program in the country. The projects they take on are student led and they have focused their projects on downtown Baker City. The students recognized there was a need to develop a database and a survey on what businesses had to offer in addition to giving attention to potential brownfield sites and they spent several weeks taking field trips downtown to interview local businesses and property owners. As a result, an assessment was developed and shared with Baker City Downtown, the Baker County Economic Development Council, and City officials.

Results from this project made more news this week as they received a $500,000 federal grant to clean up an historic school. You can read more about the project here<https://www.eastoregonian.com/townnews/economics/baker-technical-institute-gets-grant-to-clean-up-historic-school/article_0ca4fd75-ea99-5382-b1ee-0a2905d1a9c4.html>.

IMLS, SBA Offer on-demand webinar on the Paycheck Protection Program for Museums, Libraries

As Small Business Administration (SBA) Phase 2 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding remains available, IMLS hosted SBA Economic Development Coordinator Noah Brod in a webinar discussing PPP issues most relevant to museum and library communities.

The webinar is now available on-demand on the IMLS website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001czt9of6LOsgM9QPgGSLE9nVG8_IBi8Opbc_2KwegTPsZj0DtmG2CwR0XmUp_lgBwHS9vUA3bjI-OZgd4lNUUfsV32-ZHcavw7wT8zrv6MmwzDd8v4Njp6OVh31RwQJJmqMxWhm8LDlY5uDCopFn9P4Py6q-dpaTfB9T_GICSOshFhhw33CtkvS58DrXxVLrSJRHGHsLW990T8NhJGTEUHX1_K3WOLtqfqBE769s3A-4=&c=8CZOE0oLyeoX021F4XaC8QAkGEOXHHYfjc-6NWrN54cFvqM8TBjL_w==&ch=2D6RqmdxliiDWg0wIDQQeqP247HvStY8qhXYmbjDoCDtlaErNAxAQQ==>. Mr. Brod's presentation addresses PPP issues pertaining to eligibility, payroll costs, and forgiveness calculations, as well as questions concerning unique business organizational structures. Along with the most up-to-date SBA guidance available, the webinar features a Q&A segment addressing PPP-related concerns specific to museum and library communities.

For more information, please visit the IMLS website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001czt9of6LOsgM9QPgGSLE9nVG8_IBi8Opbc_2KwegTPsZj0DtmG2CwZzqo-GBOW-RiGKprZg0UAAFfpoU7d7zDUXM7vz_s9CwbXRVEM8GxS2QN5WlSnjjPxXHzOtJu-0YlUXMhK8zL7c=&c=8CZOE0oLyeoX021F4XaC8QAkGEOXHHYfjc-6NWrN54cFvqM8TBjL_w==&ch=2D6RqmdxliiDWg0wIDQQeqP247HvStY8qhXYmbjDoCDtlaErNAxAQQ==> and subscribe to email updates<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001czt9of6LOsgM9QPgGSLE9nVG8_IBi8Opbc_2KwegTPsZj0DtmG2CwWiryxtZXzVMq4pafLE20g7odn3Bv1T5M_ABUMLtEdFcN9rHihfNigMZNuQwLAmG6fwTQGEc389JHGbzc6SJ_DsNM1nMXteP9XwBEl7RD0ez&c=8CZOE0oLyeoX021F4XaC8QAkGEOXHHYfjc-6NWrN54cFvqM8TBjL_w==&ch=2D6RqmdxliiDWg0wIDQQeqP247HvStY8qhXYmbjDoCDtlaErNAxAQQ==>.

NHT Preservation Leadership Forum COVID-19 resources

Below are some of the National Historic Trust's Preservation Leadership Forum resources and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic:

  *   Updates to the National Trust Preservation Fund:<https://us.e-activist.com/ea-action/enclick?ea.url.id=471293&clid=10028&ea.campaigner.email=DheinyePr9pVzTNxl0rcdsS5Hda7Kfnj&ea.campaigner.id=X%2BI2NXledwyZkArzVWMSmA==&ea_broadcast_target_id=0> To better meet the needs of the preservation field during this difficult time, the National Trust has made modifications to our grant guidelines for the upcoming June 15 deadline.
  *   May Webinars:<https://us.e-activist.com/ea-action/enclick?ea.url.id=471294&clid=10028&ea.campaigner.email=DheinyePr9pVzTNxl0rcdsS5Hda7Kfnj&ea.campaigner.id=X%2BI2NXledwyZkArzVWMSmA==&ea_broadcast_target_id=0> Sign up today for Virtual Public Meetings Part 1: Legal Issues (Tues., May 19 at 2:00 p.m. ET) and Increasing Congressional Support for Preservation During the Pandemic (Tues., May 28 at 2:00 p.m. ET).
  *   Dedicated Website:<https://us.e-activist.com/ea-action/enclick?ea.url.id=471295&clid=10028&ea.campaigner.email=DheinyePr9pVzTNxl0rcdsS5Hda7Kfnj&ea.campaigner.id=X%2BI2NXledwyZkArzVWMSmA==&ea_broadcast_target_id=0> This site is updated regularly with resources from across the field for preservationists and professionals working at museums and historic sites.
  *   Forum Connect:<https://us.e-activist.com/ea-action/enclick?ea.url.id=471296&clid=10028&ea.campaigner.email=DheinyePr9pVzTNxl0rcdsS5Hda7Kfnj&ea.campaigner.id=X%2BI2NXledwyZkArzVWMSmA==&ea_broadcast_target_id=0> Our free online community is a great resource to see how your peers around the country are navigating closures, new work schedules, and transitioning programming to virtual opportunities.
  *   Virtual Preservation Month:<https://us.e-activist.com/ea-action/enclick?ea.url.id=471297&clid=10028&ea.campaigner.email=DheinyePr9pVzTNxl0rcdsS5Hda7Kfnj&ea.campaigner.id=X%2BI2NXledwyZkArzVWMSmA==&ea_broadcast_target_id=0> Each day will unlock new experiences, opening a window to a world of adventure online.

Upcoming webinars

May 18, 12pm: Membership Mondays: Membership Marketing, Audience Shifts & Community Engagement after Coronavirus presented by CUSEUM. After almost two months of coronavirus closures, many museums and cultural organizations are preparing to welcome visitors and members back. However, while organizations may be reopening, many are doing so in a graduated way and facing new challenges. In particular, many are realizing that tourism will be down for quite some time, which has the potential to profoundly affect admissions and membership revenue. At the same time, cultural organizations may have renewed appeal to local audiences as the world embraces a "stay local" or "staycation" mentality for the foreseeable future. Register here<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6515895551669/WN_era0BPYjSzm5q_tmjo9rEA?utm_source=Cuseum+Newsletter&utm_campaign=f60e42feb4-Newsletter-May-15-2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_27827bb7a3-f60e42feb4-598361321>.

May 19, 12pm: Preparing and Managing a Cash Flow Budget - Presented by EOU's SBDC. Register Here<https://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=6989384&msgid=431111&act=CCYL&c=762893&destination=https%3A%2F%2Fus02web.zoom.us%2Fmeeting%2Fregister%2FtZIscuqgqDgpG9dkA9j5z8ey4-f6W-gFP_bF&cf=2896&v=cbb7d174700dad05b5a000a8143156cfd63879f01c09d18eaddefd42af2d609d>.

May 20, 11am: Exploring the Future of Museums in the Era of Coronavirus presented by CUSEUM. Two months ago, the escalation of the coronavirus crisis forced many museums and cultural institutions to close their doors to visitors. In response, many organizations shifted their efforts to engaging visitors through digital platforms, many making impressive pivots and accelerating their digital transformations. Now, as museums prepare to reopen and plan for the near and long term future, new concerns are seizing the attention of the entire cultural industry - what will the future hold? Will there be new business and engagement models? And what does the physically-distanced museum experience look like? Register here<https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4015895553702/WN_0ciQyRTuQ-uPaWvACB6Qjg?utm_source=Cuseum+Newsletter&utm_campaign=f60e42feb4-Newsletter-May-15-2020&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_27827bb7a3-f60e42feb4-598361321>.

May 20, 12pm: Reopening your Historic Site presented by AASLH. Many of us are scrambling to figure how to bring our historic houses and sites back on line. Where do you turn for Federal and State laws and regulations? What do you need to do to protect your visitors, volunteers, and staff? Will you phase your opening, limit visitation etc.? Join Ellen Busch, Sean Sawyer, and Kenneth Turino as they seek to offer these and other questions while offering practical information and guidelines for reopening. Register here<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%252F%252Flearn.aaslh.org%252Fproducts%252Flive-webinar-aaslh-conversations-guidelines-and-procedures-for-reopening-your-historic-site/2/010001720e65562f-4a426ee4-cc76-476e-9c9e-5ec0b8494411-000000/a4AyxzA7yKkO3iu5gXYbUA4O6l0%3D161&sa=D&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw332KT-Oejz0CEmH4VurcT0>.

May 21, 12pm: Deaccessioning in a Recession? Why and Why Not presented by AASLH. Deaccessioning is a frequent topic of discussion and debate in the museum field. As US museums face financially uncertain futures, it is important that directors and other staff are prepared to navigate conversations with their boards and other governing bodies about deaccessioning. Join AASLH Standards & Ethics Committee members Sally Yerkovich, Erin Richardson, and Heather Kuruvilla for a conversation about history collections in discussions about museum finances. The conversation will also introduce AASLH's newest position paper, "Valuing History Collections." Register here.<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://learn.aaslh.org/products/live-webinar-aaslh-conversations-deaccessioning-in-a-recession-why-and-why-not&sa=D&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw0vqz_tEmsTGHiwnJxQkUJ5>

May 22, 2pm-3pm: Tips and Strategies for Effective Use of Social Media presented by Oregon Main Street. You've got your audiences down on who you want to reach through your social media tools but how often should you be communicating with them? What should you be sharing? In this webinar, Jen McFarland with Women Conquer Business will cover: * calendaring/frequency of messaging * scheduled vs spontaneous * types of content * expanding audiences beyond core groups. Register Here<https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7580495363528222732>.

May 28, 10am: Nonstop Presents: Workplace Strategies to Support Mental Health. Nonstop Administration and Insurances Services, an NAO partner, will be hosting Laura Green, SHRM-CP of Nonprofit HR, who will share how employers can best support their employees during these uncertain times. She'll discuss tangible, simple solutions to help employees feel connected to the organization, as well as provide resources to assist with finding personal peace of mind. Register for the session on Nonstop's site here<https://www.google.com/url?q=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f%3D001XtG21aIWoOxQ_YIQepBHl3ddU4pI5Y2kGIjOn9FMkc82OtdMtxCXFOlG4HAtRktm2_2T1vYgfal5cSdngSQCMvMQ_VImFxdg4dMlQM2OsWJBQqwP5oWrKIJynq08onC4bIj24r21BWb-LpgF_KkctT1mmY44FIIgv96OSO_sQkTgZ-OCpgwZpDuNHUHaACDFMMfiSAzNVwxwRAZwLy9U456nk9RmbY171gFdOHG8r3BtqSNtFTaob0f2f9Iihka9%26c%3DEpxlmd_J_oGJwvTwdlJ-QZDZ57E4ZHJ9wQQv3wsbyh_gWN0Mer66uA%3D%3D%26ch%3DmLqxsiWZ5pVtMDzEoL1qAS3BVJz8zLN_CeVLalCbI4hxc4KGfo_FnQ%3D%3D&sa=D&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw3nUhbWwVsjFLUlT4wEVkke>.

We will continue to populate the Oregon Heritage COVID-19 Resources<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/COVID-19-Resources.aspx> webinar calendar with upcoming webinars and try to upload the recordings as they become available.

This week's Oregon Historical Quarterly Free Article Round-Up offerings focus on Historic Preservation Month

This was taken directly from Oregon Historical Society's May E-Digest Vol. 2. Thanks Oregon Historical Quarterly for the weekend reading!

In 2016, the NHPA turned fifty, and the Oregon Historical Quarterly published a special section on the NHPA in Oregon. In the special section, historian Elisabeth Walton Potter introduced readers to the NHPA in Oregon<https://t.e2ma.net/click/j1fqcf/jtxycc/jtpk0eb> as well as compiled a useful timeline<https://t.e2ma.net/click/j1fqcf/jtxycc/ferk0eb> of national and statewide preservation events. Kelly Cannon-Miller, Executive Director of the Deschutes County Historical Society, discussed historic preservation in Bend, Oregon<https://t.e2ma.net/click/j1fqcf/jtxycc/bzsk0eb>, and the demolition of the "Big Red" crane shed in 2004. And then Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Christine Curran reflected<https://t.e2ma.net/click/j1fqcf/jtxycc/7juk0eb> on the 1974 two-volume book of essays published by the Oregon Historical Society, which contains over one thousand images of the built environment in the Pacific Northwest.

Museums Feeding Communities During COVID-19

AASLH blog post features museums around the country that are using their land to contribute to local food banks. There is also some interesting things in here on museums reviving the idea of Victory Gardens Read more.<https://458rl1jp.r.us-east-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faaslh.org%2Fmuseums-and-victory-gardens%2F/1/0100017209d5da02-6f755d16-135c-4d38-b835-39d48b484fe5-000000/BuYIGNiq_arGdSbUnHZl37k8804=161>

Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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