[kids-lib] Professional Development: Online course Talk to Me Baby

Katie Anderson katie.anderson at state.or.us
Tue Aug 13 15:35:02 PDT 2013

Forwarded on behalf of the Virginia State Library:

Talk to Me Baby
Who:Pesented by Dr. Betty Bardige
When: September 9 - October 12, 2013
Where: Online course, at your computer
Cost $25.00 for Virginia and out-of-state participants
To register: Go to  http://www.vpl.virginia.gov/ and  click on calendar
http://host5.evanced.info/lva/evanced/eventcalendar.asp and find the date of the event.
Click on the link to begin the registration process.

Introduction to Moodle (see below)
This is part of the Sing, Talk, Read, Write and Play online training series offered by the Library of Virginia.
This five week online course delves into language development and is taught by Dr. Betty Bardige. Required reading for the course will be provided.

"Librarians can play a critical role in helping parents and caregivers support young children's (birth - 5) language development. Playful, encouraging talk with babies and young children is fun for adult and child alike. In addition to building language, it is vital to children's ongoing social-emotional and intellectual development. This course explains why - and what we can do to shift the odds for children who might not get enough of this essential "play talk." Together we will examine research, address frequently asked questions, and create practical, use-tomorrow resources for helping parents and caregivers support young children's language and prime them for school success." - Dr. Bardige

Betty Bardige, Ed. D., is a developmental psychologist, educator, child advocate, and early childhood program and policy consultant. An expert on language and literacy, she speaks and writes widely on the importance of early language development and what parents, teachers, and communities can do to promote it.
As Vice President and former chair of the A. L. Mailman Family Foundation, Dr. Bardige has focused on strengthening programs, policies, and systems for young children and their families and enhancing supports for the early care and education workforce
She currently chairs the board of the Brazelton Touchpoints Foundation and advises several local efforts to promote young children's language, literacy, and emotional resilience.

Dr. Bardige's recent books include:
Talk to Me, Baby!: How You Can Support Young Children's Language Development
At a Loss for Words: How America is Failing Our Children and What We Can Do About It
Building Literacy with Love: A Guide for Teachers and Caregivers of Children Birth through Age 5 (co-authored with her mother, Marilyn Segal)
Poems to Learn to Read By: Building Literacy with Love (co-authored with her mother, Marilyn Segal). She is a contributing writer to Zero to Three's.

Introduction to Moodle
Who: Presented by Enid Costley
When : Begins August 19, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. and needs to be completed before the course.
Where: Online course, at you computer
Cost: Free

To register: Follow the instructions above for Talk to Me Baby
This is an online course that is designed to familiarize you with the Moodle platform. Moodle is the online program used to present Talk to Me Baby, Early Literacy and Books, and other online courses. For more information on Moodle, please go to http://www.vpl.virginia.gov/ce-training/moodle.html

Questions? Contact:
Enid Costley
Library of Virginia
800 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov<mailto:enid.costley at lva.virginia.gov>

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