[kids-lib] J Fiction/Chapter Book Stumper!

Kemper Hodge, Kristy Kristy.KemperHodge at corvallisoregon.gov
Wed Oct 28 17:54:55 PDT 2020

Hello Hive Mind of Awesomeness!

Our team in Corvallis has been working on a stumper for a while and learned that the book we thought was THE ONE, is not... so now, I am asking for more collective help. Please send a reply if you know the title of this book, or have any leads we can look into. Thank you in advance!

We are looking for a kids' chapter book, unsure of pub date. It's about a girl who lives on a farm and is connected to nature; when she sits on the ground, she can feel or sense the microbes underground/in the earth beneath her. The name of the farm has a single digit number in it, as well as the name of a tree (think something like 9 Elms, etc). The girl can move through trees - she can stand next to one tree and wish to be at another, and then finds herself at the tree she was wishing/thinking about. She can also move objects with her eyes (ala Matilda?). This book *might* have a blue cover with a rabbit or other creature on it...?

Any ideas? We thought it might have been Harmony by Rita Murphy, and this is not the book this reader had in mind.

Thank you!

Kristy Kemper Hodge (she/her/hers)
CBCPL Teen Services Librarian
Kristy.kemperhodge at corvallisoregon.gov<mailto:Kristy.kemperhodge at corvallisoregon.gov>

Corvallis-Benton County Public Library
645 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Enrich | Excite | Explore

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