[kids-lib] FW: Tidbits: OSLIS Resources, State of School Libs, OASL Conf Proposals, Author Visit Opp, 5 Cs of Media Use, & More
MAURER Jennifer * SLO
Jennifer.MAURER at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Feb 18 14:33:30 PST 2025
Hi. I'm sharing this here in case you might be interested in some of the information, such as OASL Fall Conference session proposals, the State of School Libraries in Oregon: 2025 booklet, an opportunity to host a visit with Mac Barnett, or the 5 C's of Media Use guidelines. - FYI, Jen
From: oslist <oslist-bounces at omls.oregon.gov> On Behalf Of MAURER Jennifer * SLO via oslist
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 2:15 PM
To: OSLIST; OASL Listserv
Subject: [oslist] Tidbits: OSLIS Resources, State of School Libs, OASL Conf Proposals, Author Visit Opp, 5 Cs of Media Use, & More
Please pardon the cross-posting.
Hi Folks,
There are a few things I want to make sure are on your radar, plus I ran across some items of interest, so I figured it's time for a tidbits email - one email that covers many topics. To make it easier to scan for relevant information, I used topic headings. Note that a couple of the items were shared on the OASL listserv already.
[Images show the OSLIS logo and 25th anniversary logo along with the website's tagline: Learn to Research. Research to Learn.]OSLIS & Gale Resources for Teaching Research Skills
OSLIS turned 25 last year, and we're still celebrating! Molly Sloan, librarian at Portland Jewish Academy and chair of the OSLIS Committee, shared this on the OASL listserv recently: "OSLIS <https://oslis.org/> is the Oregon School Library Information System, and it's here to help kids 'learn to research and research to learn!' Here's a short video<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fOjZVjyN_iuqvQU59mZDZ2OYDbFWAh77/view> about how I use some of the OSLIS resources to get my kids started with the research process. I hope you find it useful and take a moment to explore all of the other great resources available at OSLIS." (If Chrome doesn't play nicely with the video, try a different browser.) Jean Gritter, district librarian for Greater Albany Public Schools and a member of the OSLIS Committee, followed Molly's information with this: "And here's a great Knowledge Quest article to share with teachers about using GALE Topic Finder, available from OSLIS! Upgrading Research Lessons with AI<https://knowledgequest.aasl.org/upgrading-research-lessons-with-ai/>, posted by Karin Greenberg on 02/04/2025" The Topic Finder search visualization tool is available in Gale OneFile products and in Power Search. Not familiar with Topic Finder? This 1-minute Gale video<https://support.gale.com/doc/galetools-video6> provides an introduction.
State of School Libraries in Oregon: 2025
The Oregon Association of School Libraries' (OASL) Advocacy Committee developed a booklet, State of School Libraries in Oregon: 2025<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EJVD0CbcAsCDSd--jUsBWrewpPtn7EQg/edit>, which was printed and distributed to Oregon legislators during Library Legislative Day. It has excellent information about the value of strong school library programs. Shout-out to Jean Gritter for her work on the project.
OASL Fall Conference: Session Proposals Being Accepted
The Oregon Association of School Libraries' annual fall conference<https://ola.memberclicks.net/oasl-conferences> will be at North Eugene High School on Saturday, October 4th. It's always a great professional learning experience and networking opportunity. The conference committee is currently accepting session proposals<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaPRcpuSUPtbb0BkHlxJtpJtBl1SHMCwmmaQTr3w6tKDuGWA/viewform?pli=1> through at least early May. They would love to have you be part of the conference and share your ideas with other library staff. Please direct questions to Jessica Lorentz Smith (jessica.lorentzsmith at bend.k12.or.us<mailto:jessica.lorentzsmith at bend.k12.or.us>) or Amy Page (page_a at 4j.lane.edu<mailto:page_a at 4j.lane.edu>).
OLA Conference April 23-25: Registration Is Open
The Oregon Association of School Libraries is a division of the Oregon Library Association (OLA), and each has an annual conference. While sessions at the OASL fall conference are very specific to school libraries, some school library staff also choose to attend the OLA conference. This year's OLA conference<https://oregonlibconference.org/2025/> will be at the Lane Events Center in Eugene from April 23 - 25, and registration<https://oregonlibconference.org/2025/home/registration/> is open.
Opportunity to Host Author, Mac Barnett: Proposals Due March 3
"Every Child a Reader and the Library of Congress are currently accepting proposal submissions from schools and school libraries, public libraries, bookstores for offsite events, and other community organizations interested in hosting an official event with Mac Barnett, the 9th National Ambassador for Young People's Literature." Here is more information about Mac Barnett<https://www.macbarnett.com/>, the author visit and proposal<https://everychildareader.net/ambassador/events/>, and the ambassador program<https://everychildareader.net/ambassador/about/> including an interview<https://blogs.loc.gov/bookmarked/2025/02/06/mac-barnett-the-ninth-national-ambassador-for-young-peoples-literature/> with Barnett.
Right to Read Documentary Now Available for Free on YouTube
The Right to Read<https://www.therighttoreadfilm.org/>, a 2023 documentary produced by LeVar Burton, is now available to view<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YwE45gP_fk> at no cost on YouTube. A discussion guide<https://www.therighttoreadfilm.org/discussion-guides> is available in English and Spanish.
5 Cs of Media Use
The Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health from the American Academy of Pediatrics developed the 5 Cs of Media Use<https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/media-and-children/center-of-excellence-on-social-media-and-youth-mental-health/5cs-of-media-use/> to help parents and clinicians discuss healthy media use for children and teens: Child, Content, Calm, Crowding Out, and Communication. Resources include a guide for parents<https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/Media/Pages/kids-and-screen-time-how-to-use-the-5-cs-of-media-guidance.aspx> plus handouts specific to five age groups, each in English and Spanish (scroll to bottom of this page<https://www.aap.org/en/patient-care/media-and-children/center-of-excellence-on-social-media-and-youth-mental-health/5cs-of-media-use/>).
Teenagers, Love, and AI Companions
I thought you might be interested in the following article because of schools' focus on social and emotional learning and because of increasing concerns about how technology use affects our younger generation. "Teenagers Turning to AI Companions Are Redefining Love As Easy, Unconditional and Always There<https://theconversation.com/teenagers-turning-to-ai-companions-are-redefining-love-as-easy-unconditional-and-always-there-242185>" was written by Anna Mae Duane for The Conversation. "Teenagers are falling in love with chatbots. Young people are reporting epidemic levels of loneliness, and some are turning to technology to fill the void...the AI companion market has transformed what other applications might consider a bug - AI's tendency toward sycophancy - into its most appealing feature...This new one-sided love story has considerable drawbacks, among them an addictive intolerance for conflict or rejection - two essential components in a partner who has free will. The embrace of such relationships may be accelerating the trend of technology curating and ultimately diminishing romantic connections...To get young people to turn away from this disembodied, market-driven vision of love, it's important to expose them to other, more fulfilling love stories, and for adults to lead by example. Literature, philosophy and history all provide powerful insights..."
Over and out.
Jen Maurer, MLS (she/her)
School Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon
jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:jennifer.maurer at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3540 | https://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries
[Logo with this text: State Library of Oregon, Library Support and Development Services]
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