[Libs-Or] Wow, who is that Distinguished Person in OLA?

Leah Griffith leah.griffith at newbergoregon.gov
Thu Mar 5 17:32:31 PST 2015

Yes, I said Distinguished and I don't just mean that they dress with impeccable style.    OLA has a number of people that have served OLA and the library community for many years and are truly Distinguished in every sense of the word.   Here are the individuals who've received this award in the past:
                                Deborah Carver
                                Janet Webster
                                Ellen Fader
                                Pierina (Perri) Parise
                                Deb Hollens
                                Rebecca Cohen
                                Robin Beerbower
                                Jan Griffin
                                Deanna Iltis
                                June Mikkelsen
                                B. J. Quinlan (Toewe)
                                Aletha Bonebrake

Who should we add to the list in 2015?   Who are those people who, when you think of OLA, their name pops to mind?

Nominations may come from all types of libraries and from all kinds of librarians, staff and supporters.

Nomination e-mails/letters (with no more than six e-mails/letters of support) are due Friday, March 13, 2015.

The award will be presented at the OLA Conference Luncheon Banquet in Eugene on Friday, April 17, 2015

Oregon Library Association Distinguished Service Award may be awarded to any Oregon librarian or library staff member, who has been in the profession for 15 or more years, has worked in Oregon libraries for at least ten years, and is currently a member of OLA, for exceptional service over a period of years.

If you need more info, read the awards guidelines and let me know if you have questions.  Take a look at http://www.olaweb.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=58280&orgId=ola

Your letter (e-mail) of nomination should include the following information, if pertinent, and be as informational as possible.  However, it doesn't have to be a novel, but enough for the committee to understand who this person is and why they should be given this award.   And probably, we already know this person and what they've done for OLA, so even if you just send us a quick note and say "You should give Jane Doe the Distinguished Service Award", we would probably know why!    But if you can tell us a bit more, that's fine too!

      * Name, contact information, current position for nominee

      * Award for which you are nominating the person or group

      * Description of why your nominee should be selected for an OLA Award

      * OLA activities: committee appointments, etc.

      * Past positions held and summary of major accomplishments  (for Distinguished Service Award)

      * Your name and how you can be reached if the committee has questions

Please send nominating e-mails/letters by Friday, March 13, 2015, to:

                Leah Griffith, HAS Chair

                e-mail:   leah.griffith at newbergoregon.gov<mailto:leah.griffith at newbergoregon.gov>

                We prefer e-mail, but you can also send via mail to me at:

                                Newberg Public Library

                                503 E. Hancock

                                Newberg,  OR  97132

E-mail or call me at 503-537-1256 if you have any questions.    We will be looking forward to your nominations.


Leah M. Griffith
Director,   Newberg Public Library     503-537-1256


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