[or-roots] Once a busy list - Tulelake

Bill & Chris Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 4 18:22:40 PDT 2003

Jerry & Carolyn Ott wrote:
> My husband and I grew up in Tulelake...I taught school in Tule for 
> about 11 years....... so Klamath Falls is also part of home to us.  

This should be a private post (for example, To: jc.ott at verizon.net), but
in the Spirit of the Current Discussion -->

Carol --

Did you know or meet Paul and Doris Aikins who taught school in Tulelake
prior to 1954 when they moved to Lakeview?

I grew up in K Falls, but never weeded onions (mowed grass at Reames

Bill Strickland
Oregon City, OR


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