[or-roots] New computer

DanM wb at valiant.wvi.com
Mon Dec 22 11:13:18 PST 2003

All my data is on other drives, I have 4 partitions, but also 3 other
physical drives where items are cued to be saved as is all the mail, only
thing on drive c is all the installs because if you change a HD or CD some
times the drive letters get re vamped and your installs to other drive
letters may not work. I have never had a virus or a system crash since I
started using the pc, but I have cured plenty of others in my computer shop.

   Outlook Express can save mail to any drive you choose.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W David Samuelsen" <dsam at sampubco.com>
To: <or-roots at sosinet.sos.state.or.us>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: [or-roots] New computer

> Better to have two hard drives and keep data on drive d so that data
> won't get wiped out by virus or hard crash as result of notorious MS
> operating systems problems.
> I have two hard drives and keeps all data on 2nd hard drive. Never
> regretted it and it was done on advice of my tech savvy Chinese computer
> dealer who also do diagnostic and repair at very affordable price. He
> suggested that I have two hard drives and told me I won't regret it.
> He's right because he don't like any of Microsoft 95 and upwards because
> of their persisent operating problems.
> David Samuelsen

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