[or-roots] "The Dickson Train" & 23 wagons starting from Keokuk, Iowa

kat1928 at integrity.com kat1928 at integrity.com
Sat Aug 13 12:31:13 PDT 2005

Quoting Nancy Lee Adams <nancydean at columbia-center.org>:

> Hi All,
> Any one familiar with a wagon train called "The Dickson Train"? Has anyone
> heard of it?
> My ggg-grandparents Hanson & Lavina (Wickard) Stevens were with this train &
> the only one to reach Oregon.
> Some of the men quarreled and parted company, most of the trains going to
> California. In April of 1852 Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, with seven children, the
> oldest, Isaac, being 13 years old, started from Keokuk, Iowa, in a train of
> 23 wagons, drawn by oxen, for Oregon. Mr Stevens took up a donation land
> claim of 308 acres near the Newsome sawmill, five miles from Silverton,
> Oregon.
> I already have quite a bit on the Stevens family, but would like to learn
> more on "The Dickson Train", like who was the wagon master & a list of other
> families that were with this train from Iowa & learn all I can about it.


I haven't any information on the Dickson Train.  My ggggrandfather came on a
train in 1852 from Missouri.  I can find records of him being on one train - he
formed his own train so the records aren't much help sometimes.

Do I understand that just your ggg grandfather made it to Oregon from their
train?  He must have had a lonesome time and a hard time all be himself.

We come from ardy stock!

Good luck on your quest.

Dorothy Webb
> Thanks! Nancy
> nancydean at columbia-center.org

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